Thursday, January 28, 2021



The root word for “Tawakkul” is “Wakl” and its derivatives are used 70 times in the Glorious Qur’an.

Tawakkul means entrusting all the matters to the Master and relying on His trusteeship. Yet others define tawakkul upon Allah as the severance by the servants of all hopes and expectations from His creatures (and attaching them to Allah)

 The Great Ayatullah Muhammad ibn Yaqub al-Kulayni narrates in Usul al-Kafi 9 (ii,391, hadith 3) that the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (a.s.) referred Ayah 3 of Surah al-Talaq, “And whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him.” There are various degrees of trust in Allah. One of them is that you put your trust in Allah in all your affairs, being well-pleased with whatever Allah does to you, knowing for certain that He does not cease in His goodness and Grace towards you, and that the command therein rests with Him. So put your trust in Allah, leaving that to Him and relying upon Him regarding that and everything other than that.”       

People are vastly different about the knowledge of the Lordship of the Sacred Essence of Allah. The commoners among the monotheists consider Almighty Allah the Creator of the general essences of things and their elements; but they do not believe in all-embracing Lordship and consider His authority over things as limited. As habitually, they speak of Allah’s power, yet their actual station is not at par with their verbal profession, neither in respect of knowledge, nor faith, neither experience nor conviction. This class of people have no knowledge of the Allah’s Lordship; their faith in Tawhid is deficient. They rely in their worldly affairs on superficial causes and material factors.

There is another class of people who are like the above-mentioned people for worldly affairs, but they make vigorous claim of Tawakkul for their matters of Hereafter. But they have Tawakkul in Allah neither the matters of the world nor in the affairs of the Hereafter.

Another class of people, who having been convinced either by reason or revelation, affirm that Allah is the sole determiner of matters having limitless Power. On the level of rational belief, they have Tawakkul in Allah, but they have not attained the stage of faith; they are shaky when confronted with the matters of life. There is a conflict between their reason and their heart, in which reason is dominated by the heart which has faith in material causes and is blind to Allah’s Power and efficacy.

Last group of people in which the conviction of Allah’s sway over creation has penetrated their heart, which has firm faith in Allah’s Sovereignty and Mastership over things. It is they who have possess the station of Tawakkul.

To achieve Tawakkul, one must change his own existence, life, relations, hardships, happiness, health, disease, life, and death. One must realize that Allah is the ultimate source of every bounty, every success.

The Noble Messenger said, “Whoever wishes to be the most powerful person among people must trust Allah.” (Allama Majlisi, Bihar-ul-Anwar v.15 pp.135)

                Source: Forty Hadith, An Exposition by Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ruhullah Khomeini (r.a.)

                                Merits of the Souls: Trust in God (Tawakkul) by Unknown in

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