Saturday, June 29, 2019


This Surah is also known as “Dahr” and “Hal-Ata”. It is the 31st Surah of the Glorious Qur’an. It is probably revealed in Madinah as it appreciates the self-sacrifice of the Noble Messenger’s Progeny. The contents may be divided in 5 parts:
1.       Man’s creation by a mingled sperm; his guidance and his free-will.
2.       The reward offered to the Righteous (Abrar) – The Household of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.)
3.       The merits which cause one to deserve rewards.
4.       The importance of the Glorious Qur’an, the manner of conducting its principles and the road to self-perfection.
5.       The dominance of Allah (s.w.t.)’s Will (even though man has a limited free-will) 

From Ayah 5 to Ayah 22 relates to the supreme self-less sacrifice of the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (a.s.), Sayyidah Fatima Zahra (s.a.), Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Husayn (a.s.) and their maidservant, Fizza.
Ibn Abbas says that Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn were sick. The Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) along with his followers visited them and suggested to Imam Ali (a.s.) to take a vow for their recovery. Hence, Imam Ali (a.s.), Sayyidah Fatima Zahra (s.a.) and Fizza, the maid servant, took a vow that if Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Husayn (a.s.) recovered, they would fast for three days.

After a short time, they recovered. Therefore, the family fasted. As they were in dire need for food stuff, Imam Ali (a.s.) borrowed some barley and Sayyidah Fatima Zahra (s.a.) grounded one-third of it into flour and baked some bread. When they were preparing to break the fast, an indigent person came to their door and said, “Peace be upon you, O Household of Muhammad (s.a.w.a.s.). I am a needy Muslim, so please give me some food. May Allah bestow upon you, in kind, from Divine Sustenance.” All of them gave priority to him and gave their share of bread and opened the fast with water only.
The following day they fasted again, and an orphan came to the door and. Once again, they forfeited their share of bread and gave it the orphan and opened the fast with water only. The next day they fasted third time and this time a captive came to their house and they repeated their priceless charity.

On the fourth day Imam Ali (a.s.) took Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn to the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.). When he (s.a.w.a.s.) observed their condition; they were trembling with hunger, he said, “It grieves me to see you in this condition.” He (s.a.w.a.s.), along with Imam Ali (a.s.), Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Husayn (a.s.), came to their house and saw Sayyida Fatima Zahra (s.a.) praying, her stomach was sunk to her backbone, and her eyes were also sunken in the eye sockets. He (s.a.w.a.s.) was greatly affected. At this moment Gabriel descended and said, “O, Muhammad! receive this Surah. Allah congratulates you for having such a family.
The Ayahs 5 to 11 relates to the self-sacrifice and Ayahs 12 to 22 narrates the rewards Allah had promised for them.

Ayahs 5 to 11 are: “Verily, the righteous drink of a cup; the mixture of which is (like) camphor. A fountain where the servants of Allah drink, flows in abundance. They fulfill their vows and fear a Day, the chastisement of which is widespread. And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan and captive. (Saying): We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks. We only fear from our Lord a Day, frowningly severe. Therefore, Allah will certainly rescue them from the terror of that Day and will meet them with joy and pleasure.

Source: The Glorious Qur’an (Urdu translation) – Tafsir-e-Namoona by Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


The longest Ayah of the Glorious Qur’an is Ayah 282 of Surah al-Baqarah. This Ayah contains instructions about the commercial and economical affairs to strengthen the growth of capital and prevents any difficulty or conflict.
The Ayah contains 19 ordinances for the smooth flow of financial transactions, detailed here under:

1.The Ayah says, “O You who have faith! When you contract a debt for a stated term, then write it down.” It includes time-bargain, purchase on credit or loan.
2. & 3. To generate confidence and minimize the chances of interference from either party, it is recommending that the contract be written by a just third person. The Ayah says, “…and let a scribe write it down just between you.”
4.For the sake of that Blessing which Allah has bestowed upon him, he should not refrain from writing of the contract and help the two sides of the contract. The Ayah says, “…and no scribe may refuse to write as Allah has taught him.”
5. The person who is incurring the debt should dictate (so that he may not be able to disown the contract). The Ayah says, “….so let him write, and let the one who incurs the debt dictate….”
6. The one who is dictating should remember Allah. The Ayah says, “…and he should be in awe of Allah, his Lord, and not diminish it.
7. The guardian, of a person unsound of understanding, mentally weak, or he is unable to dictate, should dictate it.
8. The guardian should also observe justice in dictating while confessing the debt of those under his guardianship.
9. The Ayah says, “…..and call to witness from among your men, two witnesses.”
10 & 11. The witnesses should be adult and Muslim.
12. The Ayah says, “…but if two men are not available, then a man and two women…..”
13. The witnesses should be just and reliable.
14. In the case the witnesses are two men, either of them can bear witness independently. But when the witnesses are two women and a man, these two women must bear witness together so that if either of the two witnesses errs, the other woman will remind her.
15. It is obligatory to bear witness when called in to testify. The Ayah says, “….and the witness should not refuse (to evidence) whenever they are summoned….”
16. The debt should be written down, whether the amount involved is big or small.
17. The only exception to the above ordinances is the fact that if the transactions are for ready merchandise.
18. In the case of cash transactions no documentation is necessary but still it is better to call witnesses.
19. The Ayah says, “And let no harm be done to a scribe or witness, and if you do, this is transgression on your part, be in awe of Allah and Allah teaches you, and is All-knowing of all things.

                Source: The Glorious Qur’an (Urdu translation) of Tafsir-e-Namoona by Ayatollah Naser                                  Makarem Shirazi

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Surah al-Hajj Ayah 36, “And feed the poor man who is contented, and the beggar.”
“Be contented so that you may be the most thankful of all people.” (Ja’mme al Sad’aat volume 2 page 102)
Muslims should struggle to have a lawful source of sustenance. Once they get it, they should earn like Rizq-e-Halal. They should perform their duties to earn every cent. After working hard, they should leave it to Allah and pray for its continuity. This is contentment in sustenance.

Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.) said, “Contentment is when a person is content with what he loves and what he hates; it is a ray of light of gnosis. He who is content is annihilated to all his choices; he is really the one with whom Allah is content.
Contentment is the neuro-physiological experience of satisfaction and being at ease in one’s situation. Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have. It is one of the most important prerequisites of happiness in our life.
The Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) said, “Remember death frequently. This will save you from longing for the worldly pleasures. Show gratitude frequently to Allah which will increase the graces upon you. Richest among you is the one who is contented.”
The Commander of the Faithful Imam Aki (a.s.) said, “Contentment is the capital which will never diminish.”

Aswad and Alqamah narrates that they visited Imam Ali (a.s.)’s house and found that there was a tray in front of him in which there was some date fibers, and upon which lay two loaves of barley bread, the chaff of barley was clearly visible. The Imam picked up the loaves and struck them on his knees and ate them with some salt. They told Fizza, “Why did you not remove the chaff from the flour? She replied, “Had Ali eaten the delicious bread, its sin would have befallen on my shoulders.” Imam Ali, said, “I my self had instructed her not to remove the chaff. In this way my soul will be subjugated, it becomes contented, and the Muslims shall continue to follow me till I depart from this world.”  
Imam Ja’ffar as-Sadiq (a.s.) said, “If a son of Adam possessed two valleys of gold and silver, yet he will search for the third.”
Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) said, “The world is like water of sea, a thirsty man, the more he drinks the thirstier he becomes, until the water kills him in the end.

To cure this habit, one should look at those who have less resources than us and thank Almighty Allah for what we have.  Do not spoil what you possess by desiring what you do not have.
The contentment of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) is a perfect guide for us. Once, the Noble Messe3nger (s.a.w.a.s.) visited his daughter Fatima Zahra (s.a.) and saw that she was wearing a dress made of camel hair. Tears welled in his eyes and he said, “Fatima, today endure the hardships and poverty with patience so that you may acquire the comfort of Paradise.

Patience and contentment are closely connected. In the case of Prophet Ayyub. He was rich having numerous cattle heads, fertile land, many children, good health. Then Allah wanted to test him, and he slowly lost everything, he became very sick. He continued to be thankful to Allah and was contented. His wife also left him. Then he prayed to Allah for help and Allah returned everything to him.

Sources: The Glorious Qur’an, anecdotes for reflection by Sayyid Ali Akbar Saadat
                  Lantern of the Path by the Infallible Imam Jaffar as-Sadiq (a.s.),

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Prophet Isa (Jesus) was born without a father and his mother was Hazrat Maryam (Mary). Hazrat Maryam’s mother had vowed to give away the baby who will be born to serve Allah, thinking that it may be a boy, but instead Hazrat Maryam was born but still she dedicated her to the house of Allah. She had grown up and one day while she was alone, an angel appeared in the shape of a man. Prophet Isa was mentioned 36 times in the Glorious Qur’an. The story of the birth of Prophet Isa is described in Surah Maryam Ayah 16 to 36 as follows:

Hazrat Maryam said, “Verily, I take refuge in the Beneficent (Allah) from you! If you are God- fearing.”
He (the angel) said, “Verily, I am only a messenger from your Lord that I bestow on you a pure son.”
She said, “How shall there be for me a son while no man has touched me, neither have I been unchaste.”
He said, “‘So (it will be)’. Your Lord says: ’It is easy for Me and that We will make him a Sign (Miracle) unto the people and a Mercy from Us, and it is a matter decreed. So, she conceived him (Jesus) and withdrew with him to a distant place. And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of ma palm tree.  She said:’ Would I had died ere this and had been a thing forgotten. Then (a voice) called out unto her from beneath her: ‘Grieve not! Verily Your Lord has made a stream to flow beneath you. And shake the trunk of palm-tree towards yourself. It will drop on you fresh ripe dates. So, eat and drink and refresh your eye; and if you meet any mortal, say: ‘Verily I have vowed a fast to the Beneficent (God), so never shall I speak today with any human being. Then she brought the child to her people, carrying him (in her arms). They said, “Verily you have done a very indecent thing. O sister of Aaron! Your father was not a bad man, nor was your mother an unchaste woman. Then Maryam pointed to him. They said, “How shall we speak to one who is (yet) a child in the cradle? He (miraculously) said, “Verily I am a servant of Allah; He has given me the Book and made me a prophet. And He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me prayer and almsgiving so long as I live. And (He has made me) kind to my mother, and He has not made me arrogant unblessed. And peace be on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive. This is Jesus, son of Maryam, a statement of truth, concerning which they doubt. It is not befitting to Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He decrees a thing, He only says unto it: ‘Be’ and it ‘is’. And verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship (only) Him. This is a straight path.  

Some of the other places where Prophet Isa is mentioned are as follows:
They said, “We murdered Jesus Christ, son of Maryam, the Messenger of Allah, when, in fact, they could not have murdered him or crucified him. They, in fact, murdered someone else by mistake. (4:157)  
The similitude of Jesus before Allah is that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: ‘Be’ and he was. (3:59)
Christ the son of Maryam was no more than a Messenger. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how Allah does make signs clear to them; see in what way they are deluded away from the truth. (5:75)
(Muslims), say, ‘We believe in Allah and what He has revealed to us and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, and their descendants and what was revealed to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among them and to Allah we have submitted ourselves. (2:136)
He told Jesus, “I will save you from your enemies, raise you to Myself, keep you clean from association with the unbelievers, and give superiority to your followers over the unbelievers until the Day of Judgment. On that day you will all return to me and I shall resolve your dispute.
Jesus, son of Maryam, said to the Israelites, I am the Messenger of Allah sent to you. I confirm the Torah which is in existence and give you the glad news of the coming of a Messenger who will come after me named Ahmad. When this Messenger came to them with all the proofs (to support his truthfulness), they said, “He is only a magician” (61:6) 

Source: The Glorious Qur’an (Urdu translation) – Tafsir-e-Namoona by Ayatollah Nasir Makarem Shirazi

Monday, June 17, 2019


Surah al-Qadr is the 97th chapter of the Glorious Qur’an. The name of the Surah refers to the revelation of the Glorious Qur’an on the night of Honor and it describes the importance of the night and its Blessings.
As per a narration, the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) dreamed that Bani Umayyad were climbing his pulpit. It disturbed him hence this Surah was revealed to comfort him. The Ayah, “The Night of Honor is better than a thousand months; which refers to the length of time Bani Umayyads ruled. In yet another tradition, it is narrated that he (s.a.w.a.s.) said, “One of the members of the Israelites had spent one thousand months having his fighting dress on and being always prepared for the holy war on the path of Allah.” His companions wished if that type of honor was for them.
The Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) said, “He who recites this Surah will be rewarded like the one who has fasted the whole month of Ramadan and has kept vigil the whole night on the Night of Qadr.”  Obviously, the reward is for those who comprehend its meanings and tries to act upon its message in his life!
The Glorious Qur’an was revealed in the month of Ramadan as stated in Surah al-Baqarah Ayah 185 which says, “The month of Ramadan is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed.” The first Ayah says, “Surely, We sent it (the Qur’an) down on the Night of Honor.” The use of the word “We” shows the importance of this Heavenly Book of which Allah has attributed its descent to Himself. The descent of the Glorious Qur’an on the Night of Honor, the very night in which the fates of men are decided, shows the importance of this great Divine Book. According to the scholars, there are two kinds of revelations; the whole Qur’an came down at once, in one night to the heart of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.), or to Bait-ul-Ma’mur, or from the ‘Preserved Tablet’ to the lowest heaven of this world. In Arabic it is “In’zal” The second kind of revelation is when the Glorious Qur’an came down in portions gradually in 23 years. It is “Tanzil”
The greatness of the Night of Honor is referred in the next Ayah, “And what makes you know what the Night of Honor is?” “The Night of Honor is better than a thousand months.” It is more than 80 years which is the length of a long-blessed life. The next Ayah, “The angels and the Spirit descend therein by their Lord leave for every affair.” The word “Tanazzala”, which is originally “Tatanazzala” which is a future tense verb with a sense of continuity and permanence. It means every year this process shall continue. As for the meaning of “Ruh”, some say it means Gabriel but according to the Infallible Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.), “Gabriel is one of the Angels and Ruh (Spirit) is greater than angels. Has Allah, the Exalted, not said, “The Angels and the Spirit descend” (Tafsir Burhan 4/481). As for the meaning of “Kulli Amr or for every affair” it means the angels descend to proportionate and assign the fates and to bring any goodness or blessings on that night. The last Ayah, “Peace! It is, till the rising of the dawn.” It is a night wherein the Glorious Qur’an was revealed, and worship and vigilance equals one thousand months. It is a night of light, grace, mercy, blessings, goodness, spiritual safety and felicity. When asked as to which night was the Night of Honor, the Infallible Imam Mohammad Baqir (a.s.) replied, “How do we not know it whereas the angels go around us therein.” This Ayah also confirms the existence of the Imam(a.s.)  till the Day of Resurrection where the angels and the Spirit descend every year! The question is where the angels and the Spirit descend?

Sources: The Glorious Qur’an (Urdu translation) – Tafsir-e-Namouna by Ayatollah Nasir Makarem                   Shirazi
               The Glorious Qur’an (English translation) by S.A. Mir Ahmed Ali & Ayatollah Agha                           H.M.M. Pooya Yazdi

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Revelation or Wahi was not restricted to His Messengers but Allah had used wahi to non-prophets also like the mother of Prophet Musa (28:7), Hazrat Maryam (19:25) and the disciples of Prophet Isa (5:111). But in case of bees, it is the instinct endowed in them. Wahi in its wider sense is applicable to any knowledge or action of a conscious being which is not obtained through experience.
In Surah al-Nahl Ayah 68, Allah has used the word “Wahi” when He says, “And your Lord revealed to the bee (an instinctive revelation), to build cells in the mountains and in the trees and in what they (men) build.”

The first mission of the bees is to build houses or beehives which are built in hexagonal form on top of each other without having any angles. The architectural engineers are astonished by these constructions. Then Allah guides the bees to reach different flowers and eat from them. It is stated in the next Ayah 69 saying, “Then eat out of all the fruits, and pave the ways of your Lord sincerely. There comes forth out of their bellies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for men. Verily in that is a sign for a people who reflect.”
Normally, the bees suck-in the special sugar from the flower and other parts. According to a botanist, Lying, that if the bees are extinguished then thousands of plants, flowers and fruits will be destroyed. The bee’s experts say that in the morning, a batch of bees experienced in identification of flowers go out and determine the places of flower beds, return and communicate with other bees who will go later to collect flower juice. The juice collected inside their bellies goes to a pot which is a sort of chemical factory which ultimately produces honey.

Honey is quickly absorbed in the body and it gives strength to the body. The Commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (a.s.) said, “There is nothing like honey to cure the diseases.” The areas wherein honey cures different ailments are:
It prevents producing bad smell in the stomach and intestine, cures dryness and constipation, effective in sleep management, removes tiredness in muscles, give it to the pregnant women to have babies with strong tissues, increases calcium in the blood, strengthens digestive system and the heart, builds the body promptly,  improves the function of liver and lungs, effective in fighting rheumatism, clears the voice cures the cough, is used in medicines relating to skin refinement and long life.
Honey contains iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, lead, copper, Sulphur, nickel, bronze, and sodium. Vitamin A, B, C, D, K AND E is found in honey. The Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) said, “If a man drinks honey at least once a month and pray to Allah for the cure He promised in this Surah, Allah shall cure seventy types of diseases.
Honey remains fresh and does not become bad by the passage of time. Honey should not be heated.

Honeybees’ world is very organized and clean where everyone works. Duties are designated to different bees. Some are assigned to guard their house, some are assigned to procure the flower juice, some are assigned the duty of checking the quality of juices brought by the bees.  If any bee brings in honey from harmful flowers or smelly honey, it is stopped at the entrance of the beehive shells and such honey is destroyed and the bee is punished.

Sources: The Glorious Qur’an (Urdu translation) by Ayatollah Nasir Makarem Shirazi
                 The Glorious Qur’an (English translation) by S.V. Mir Ahmed Ali & Ayatollah Agha                           H.M.M. Pooya Yazdi

Sunday, June 9, 2019


When the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) performed the last Hajj in the year 10 A.H. along with 120,000 Muslims, The Divine Command came at Arafa about the “Wilayah” of Imam Ali (a.s.), Surah Ma’idah Ayah 67 refers. Again, at Mina, He reminded the Muslims about this urgent matter and recited the “Hadees-e-Thaqalayn”. On Dhull Hijjah18, 10 A.H. when he reached Ghadir Khumm, Imam Ali (a.s.) joined him with 12,000 Muslims from Yemen. The Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) delivered a long sermon highlighting his mission. Excerpts from his sermon are given below:

“First, he praised Allah (s.w.t.), then testified about his prophet hood followed by “The Ayah of Wilayah” as stated in Surah Al-Ma’idah Ayah 67, “O Messenger, proclaim what is revealed to you from your Lord. If you did not do so, it will be as though you have not conveyed His message. Allah protects you from men. He does not guide the unbelieving people.” O ‘people I have not committed any shortcoming in conveying what Allah Almighty revealed to me. Three times Gabriel commanded me on behalf of Allah to inform you that Ali ibn Abi Talib is my brother, Wasi, and successor over my nation and Imam after me, the one whose status to me is like that of Haroon to Musa except there will be no prophet after me, and he is your master next only to Allah and to His Messenger and Allah has already revealed to me in one of the fixed verses of His Book saying, “Your Master is Allah and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay zakat even when they bow down” (5:55) and Ali ibn Abi Talib is the one who keeps up the prayers, he pays zakat even as he bows down, seeking to please Allah, the Sublime, the Almighty on each and every occasion.

There is no knowledge except that Allah has divulged it to me, and all the knowledge I have learned I have divulged it to Imam al-Muttaqeen (leader of the righteous), and there is no knowledge (that I know) except that I divulged it to Ali, and he is Imam al-Mubeen (the evident Imam) whom Allah mentions in Surah al-Yaseen:…..and everything We have computed is in (the knowledge of) an evident Imam. (36:12)

O people! Do not abandon him, he is the one who guides to righteousness. He defeats falsehood and prohibits others from acting upon it, accepting no blame from others while seeking to please Allah. He is first to believe in Allah and in His Messenger. And he is the one who offered his life as a sacrifice his life for the Messenger of Allah. He is the first to offer prayer. I ordered him, on behalf of Allah, to sleep in my bed, and he did, sacrificing his life for my sake.
O people! He is an Imam appointed by Allah, and Allah shall never accept the repentance of anyone who denies his authority, nor shall He forgive him; this is a must decree from Allah never to do so to anyone who opposes him, and that He shall torment him with a most painful torment for all time to come, for eternity; so, beware lest you should oppose him and thus enter the fire the fuel of which is the people and the stones prepared for the unbelievers.

O people! Prefer Ali (over all others), for he is the very best after me. Cursed and again cursed, condemned and again condemned, is anyone who does not accept this statement of mine. Gabriel himself has informed me of the same on behalf of Allah Almighty Who he said (in Gabriel’s words): “Anyone who antagonizes Ali and refuses to accept his Wilayah shall incur My curse upon him and My Wrath” “……and let every soul consider what it has sent forth for the morrow, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah.” (59:18)

O people! He (Ali) is “Janb-Allah” mentioned in Qur’an (39:56), the Sublime one, The Almighty, forewarning (Ali’s) adversaries, says, “Lest a soul should say: O woe unto me for what I fell short of my duty to Allah, and most surely I was of those who laughed to scorn” 

                Source: The Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.)’s sermon at Ghadeer-e-Kuhmm (Dua’

Friday, June 7, 2019


Hazrat Khizr was not a prophet but was a scholar who was given knowledge by Allah (s.w.t.). Hazrat Musa represented the Jurisprudential (“Tash’riie’”) leadership while Hazrat Khizr represented the Creational or Universal (“Tak’wini”) leadership. Consequently, Hazrat Musa objected to the actions of Hazrat Khizr which were against “Tash’rie” or Jurisprudence (Religious Laws). He acted according to the wishes of Allah (s.w.t.)

It was revealed to Hazrat Musa (a.s.) that there was a man who had vast knowledge than him. He prayed to Allah about his willingness to meet that person (Hazrat Khizr). The story of Hazrat Khizr has been stated in Surah al-Kahf from Ayat 60 to Ayat 82 as narrated below:

“Then they met one of Our servants who had received Blessings and Knowledge from Us. Musa asked him, “Can I follow you so that you will teach me the guidance that you have received?” He replied, “You will not be able to have patience with me. How can you remain patient with that of which you did not have complete information?” Musa said, “If Allah wishes, you will find me patient and I shall not disobey any of your orders.” He said to Musa, “If you follow me, do not ask me about anything until I tell you the story about it.

They started their journey and some time later they embarked on a boat in which he made a hole. Musa asked, “Did you make hole to drown the people on board? This is certainly very strange>” He said, “Did I not tell you that you would not be able to remain patient with me?” Musa said, “Please, forgive my forgetfulness. Do not oblige me with what is difficult for me to endure” They continued in their journey until they met a young boy whom he killed. Musa said, “How could you murder an innocent soul? This is, certainly, a horrifying act.” He responded, “Did I not tell you that you would not be able to remain patient with me? Musa said, “If I ask such questions again, abandon me; you will have enough reason to do so.” They continued their journey again until they reached a town. They asked the people there for food, but no one accepted them as guests. They found there a wall of a house which was on the verge of tumbling to the ground. The companion of Musa repaired that wall. Musa said, “You should have received some money for your labor.”

He replied, “This is where we should depart from one another. I shall give an explanation to you for all that I have done for which you could not remain patient.” “The boat belonged to some destitute people who were using it as a means of their living in the sea. The king had imposed a certain amount of tax on every (undamaged)boat. I damaged it so that they would not have to pay the tax.” “The young boy had very faithful parents. We were afraid that out of love for him they would lose their faith in Allah and commit rebellion so We decided that their Lord should replace him by a better and more virtuous son.” “The tumbling wall belonged to two orphans in the town whose father was a righteous person. Underneath the wall there was a treasure that belonged to them. Your Lord wanted the orphans to find the treasure through the Mercy of your Lord when they mature. I did not repair the wall out of my own desire. These were the explanations of my deeds about which you could not remain patient.”

Lessons to be learned from this story are: the pursuit of knowledge is important for everyone, the essence of the Divine knowledge is servitude and submission to Allah, acquisition of knowledge should be to practice it, avoid haste and be patient, there are apparent and innate feature of every affair, confess the reality, parent’s faith impacts the children, hurting the parents shortens the life-span, people become enemy of the things they do not know, the courteous behavior of students before a teacher.

The treasure of the orphans referred to in the story, was in fact a “Golden Tablet” as stated by the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) “It is surprising why a person who believes in Allah’s decrees becomes grievous. It is amazing why a person who is sure of the death, is happy; who is certain of Reckoning, is neglectful; who is certain of sustenance, troubles himself more than the common; and who is assured of the change of the world but he trusts in it.” (Majma-ul-Bayan)

                Source: The Glorious Qur’an (Urdu translation) – Tafsir-e-Namouna by Ayatollah Nasir                                   Makarem Shirazi

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Namaz-e-Eid is not obligatory during the time of Great Occultation (Ghaybat-e-Kubra), but it is
recommended. It is two raka’at namaz; in the first raka’at after reciting Surah al-Hamd, it is
recommended to recite Surah A’la then recite Dua-e-Qunut 5 times. In the second raka’at, after
reciting Surah al-Hamd, recite Surah al-Shams then recite the Dua-e-Qunut 4 times and complete the namaz. The English translation of Dua-e-Qunut is as follows:

O Allah: You are the Lord of Glory and Greatness
And the Lord of Magnanimity and Omnipotence
And the Lord of Pardon and Mercy
And the worthiest of being feared and the Lord of Forgiveness
I beseech in the name of this day, which You have decided to be the feast for the Muslims
And to be safety and increasing honor for Muhammad – Peace of Allah be upon him and his
(I beseech You) that You may send blessings upon Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
And You may include me with every item of goodness with which You have included Muhammad and  the Household of Muhammad,
And that You save me from any item of evil from which You have saved Muhammad and the
Household of Muhammad,
May Your Blessings be upon him and upon them,
O Allah: I pray You for the best of all that for which Your righteous servants have prayed You,
And I seek Your protection against all that against which Your righteous servants have asked for Your
