Tuesday, May 31, 2022



How good it is for the rich to show humanity before the poor to seek reward from Allah, but better than that is the haughtiness of the poor towards the rich with trust in Allah.

Whoever clashes with Truth would be knocked down by it.

The heart is the book of the eye.

Fear of Allah is the chief trait of human character.

It is enough for your own discipline that you abstain from what you dislike from others.

The world deceives, harms, and passes away. Allah, the Sublime, did not approve it as a reward for His lovers nor as a punishment for His enemies.

Addressing his son, Imam Hasan (a.s.), he said, “O my son, do not leave anything of this world behind you, because you will be leaving it for either  two sorts of persons: Either a person who uses it in obeying Allah, in this case he will acquire virtue through what was evil for you, or it will be person who uses it in disobeying Allah and in that case he will be earning evil with what you collected for him, and so you will be assisting him in his sinfulness; and neither of these two deserve to be preferred by you over yourself.”

Someone said “Astaghirullah” in the presence of Imam Ali (a.s.), he said, “Do you know what “Istighfar” (asking Allah’s forgiveness) is? Istighfar is meant for people of an elevated position. It is a word that stands on six supports. The first is to repent over the past; the second is to make a firm determination never to revert to it; the third is to discharge all the rights of people so that you may meet Allah quite clean with nothing to account for; the fourth is to fulfill every obligation which you ignored (in the past) so that you may do justice with it; the fifth is to aim at the flesh grown as a result of unlawful earning; so that you melt it  (by grief of repentance) till the skin touches the bone and a new flesh grows between them; and the sixth is to make the body taste the pain of obedience  as you (previously) made it taste the sweetness of disobedience. On such an occasion you may say “Astghfirullah.” “

How wretched the son of Adam is! His death is hidden, his ailments are concealed, his actions are preserved, the bite of a mosquito pains him, choking causes his death, and sweat gives him an unpleasant smell.

The eyes of these men are covetous (seize greedily), and this glancing is the cause of their becoming covetous. Whenever anyone of you sees a woman who attracts him, he should meet his wife because she is a woman like his wife.

Whoever sets right his inward self, Allah sets right his outward self. Whoever performs acts for his religion, Allah accomplishes his acts of this world, whoever’s dealings between himself and Allah are good, Allah turns the dealings between him and other people good.

Forbearance is a curtain for covering, and wisdom is a sharp sword. Therefore, conceal the weakness in your conduct with forbearance and kill your desires with your wisdom.

There are some creatures of Allah whom Allah particularizes with favors for the benefit of the people, therefore He places them in their hands so long as they give them to others; bur when they deny them to others, He takes away the favors from them and sends them to others.

It does not behove a man to have trust in two positions, health, and riches, because there is many a man whom you see healthy, but he soon falls sick and many a man whom you see rich but soon turns destitute.

Monday, May 30, 2022



How many are the objects of lessons, but how few the taking of lessons.

Your messenger is the interpreter of your intelligence while your letter is more eloquent in expressing your true self.

A self-respecting man never commits adultery.

A man can sleep on the death of his child but cannot sleep at loss of property.

The belief of a person cannot be regarded as true unless his trust in what is with Allah is more than his trust in what he himself has.

Sometimes the hearts move forward and sometimes they move backward. When they move forward get them to perform the optional (as well), but when they move backward keep them confined to obligatory only.

Throw a stone in return from where it comes to you because evil can be met with evil.

I am the Ya ‘sub (leader) of the believers, while wealth is the leader of the wicked.

Beware of disobeying Allah in solitude because the witness (of that situation) is also the judge.

The age up to which Allah accepts any excuse for a human being is sixty years.

Allah, the Glorified, has fixed the livelihood of the destitute in the wealth of the rich. Consequently, whenever a destitute remains hungry because some rich person has denied (his share). Allah will question them about it.

The sovereign is the lookout guard of Allah on earth.

The person who is approached with a request is free until he promises.

Knowledge is of two kinds – that which is absorbed and that which is just heard. The one that is heard does not give benefit unless it is absorbed.

The beauty of destitution is chastity, and the beauty of riches is gratefulness.

Lack of access to sins is also a kind of chastity.

The dignity of your face is solid but begging dissolves it away: therefore, look carefully before whom you dissolve it.

Knowledge is associated with action. Therefore, he who knows should act, because knowledge calls for action, if there is a response well and good, otherwise it (i.e., knowledge) departs from him.

Certainly, right is weighty and wholesome while wrong is light and unwholesome.

Miserliness contains all other evil vices and is the rein with which one can be led to every evil.

Speak so that you may be known, since man is hidden under his tongue.

Put off boasting, give up self-conceit and remember your grave.

Nearness with people in their manners brings about safety from their evil.

Saturday, May 28, 2022



Bitterness of this world is the sweetness of other world; the sweetness of this world is the bitterness of the nest one.

If you want an oppressor to take an oath, ask him to swear like this that he is out of Allah’s might and His Power, because if he swears falsely in this way he will be quickly punished, while if he swears by Allah such that there is no god but He, he will not be quickly punished since he is expressing the Unity of Allah, the Sublime.

O son of Adam, be your own representative in the matter of your property and do about it whatever you want it to be done after your death.

Anger is a madness because the victim to it repents afterwards. If he does not repent his madness is confirmed.

When you fall into destitution, trade with Allah through charity.

There is many a man gradually brought towards punishment by polite treatment with him, many a man remains in deceit because his evils are covered, many a man who is in illusion because of good talk about him, while there is no greater ordeal by Allah, the Glorified, than the giving of time.

Do good with bereaved ones of others so that good is done to your bereaved ones also.

O son of Adam do not inflict the worry of the day that has not come on the day which has already come, because if that day be in your life Allah will bestow its livelihood also.

Have love for your friend up to a limit, for it is possible that he may turn into your enemy some day; and hate your enemy up to a limit for it is possible that he may turn in to your friend someday.

Do not turn your knowledge into ignorance or your conviction into doubt. When you gain knowledge act upon it and when acquire conviction proceed (on its basis).

A small action which is continued with regularity is more beneficial than a long one performed with disgust.

When optional issues stand in the way of obligations, abandon them.

Whoever keeps in view the distance of the journey remains prepared.

Perception by the eyes is not real observation because the eyes sometimes deceive people; but wisdom does not deceive whomsoever it counsels.

He whom death overtakes early seeks time while he whose death is deferred put forth excuses for postponement.

When asked about Destiny, he said, “It is a dark path, do not tread on it, it is a deep ocean, do not dive in it, and it is a secret of Allah, do not take trouble about (knowing) it.

When Allah intends to humiliate a person, He denies him knowledge.

Your friends are three and your enemies are three. Your friends are your friend, your friend’s friend, and your enemy’s enemy. And your enemies are your enemy, your friend’s enemy, and your enemy’s friend.

Thursday, May 26, 2022


The Day of Judgement is near, and our mutual company is short.

Abstention from sin is easier than seeking forgiveness afterwards.

People often hate those things which they do not know or cannot understand.

One who seeks advice learns to recognize mistakes.

One who fights for the cause of God secures victory over his enemies.

When you feel afraid or nervous to do a thing, then drive straight through it, because the intensity of abstaining from it is greater (worse) than the fear.

Your supremacy over others is in proportion to the extent of your knowledge and wisdom.

If you want to remove evil from the minds of others, then first give up evil intentions yourself.

Greed is a permanent slavery.

He who takes the lead in oppression and tyranny will repent soon.

O son of Adam! Whatever you earned beyond your basic needs, you are only a custodian for others.

Hearts become tired as the bodies become tired. You should therefore, search for beautiful sayings for them.

Silence will create respect and dignity; justice and fair play will bring more friends; benevolence and charity will enhance prestige; service to humanity will secure leadership; good behavior will overcome revengeful enemies.

Every container gets narrower according to what is placed inside it except the container of knowledge which expands.

The first reward of the exerciser of forbearance gets is that people become his helper against the ignorant.

A man’s vanity for himself is one of the enemies of his intelligence.

The tree whose trunk is soft has thick branches.

Jealousy by a friend means defect in his love.

There is no justice in passing a verdict by relying on probability.

It is strange that the jealous do not feel jealous about bodily health.

Charity given by a man (as a shorthand), Allah increases it (by long hand)

One ill-gotten piece of stone in a house is a guarantee for its ruin.

When capability increases, desire decreases.

The best act is that which you must force yourself to do it.

I came to know Allah, the Glorified, through the breaking of determinations, change of intentions and losing of courage. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022



Many persons get nothing out of their fasts but hunger and thirst; many more get nothing out of their night prayers but exertions and sleepless nights. Wise are praiseworthy even if they do not fast and do not sleep during the nights.

Defend your faith in God with the help of charity. Protect your wealth with the aid of Zakaat. Let the prayer guard you from calamities and disasters.

Remember that there are three kinds of people, one of those is learned people who are highly versed in the ethics of truth and philosophy of religions; second is the kind who are acquiring the above knowledge and the third is that class of people who are uneducated. They follow every pretender and accept every slogan. Remember, Kumail, that knowledge is better than and superior to wealth, because knowledge protects you while you have to guard wealth.; because wealth decreases with spending and knowledge increases the more you make use of it; because what you get through wealth disappears as soon as wealth disappears, but what you achieve through knowledge remains even after. Knowledge is power and it can command obedience and following.

Aman is valued through his sayings. He who does not know his own worth is ruined.

Do not be among those people who want to gain hereafter without working for it, who rely on high hopes and keep on postponing repentance, who talk like pious persons but run after vicious pleasures. Do not be among those who advises to such good deeds that they themselves refrain from; who appreciate good people, but do not follow their way of life.; who hate bad and vicious people, but follow their way of life, who, on account of their excessive sins, hate death, but do not give the sinful way of life, who faced with misfortunes, turn to God and keep on beseeching Him for relief, and when relieved , they are deceived by comfortable conditions and forget God and forsake prayer. Who are quick to pass judgement against others but never judge their own vicious deeds, who are not afraid of their Lord, but fear men in power?

Everyone who is born must die, and once dead as if he had never come into existence.

One who adopts patience will never be deprived of success which may take long time to reach him.

He who agrees with the actions of a group of persons is as though he joins them in their action. Everyone who joins in wrong commits two sins: one sin for committing the wrong and other for agreeing with it.

Adhere to contracts and entrust their fulfilment to steadfast persons.

Admonish your brother by good behavior towards him, and ward off his evil by favoring him.

One who frequent places of ill repute has no right to complain against a man who talk evil of him.

Whoever obtains authority (usually) adopts partiality.

He who acts solely according to his own opinion gets ruined, and who consults other people shares in their understand.

He who guards his secrets retains control in his own hands.

Poverty is the worst form of death.

He who fulfils the rights of a man who does not fulfils his, (is as though) he worships him.

Sunday, May 22, 2022



What difference is there between a deed whose pleasure passes away leaving behind it the pangs of pain and punishment, and the deed whose cruel severity or oppressive harshness ends leaving behind it heavenly rewards and blessings.

Blessings are for the man who humbles himself before God, whose sources of income are honest, whose intentions are always honorable, whose character is noble, whose habits are sober, who gives away in the cause of God the wealth which is lying surplus with him, who controls his tongue from vicious and useless talk, who abstains from oppression and tyranny; who carefully and faithfully follows the traditions of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) and who keeps himself away from innovation in religion.

Islam means obedience to God; obedience to God means having sincere faith in Him; such a faith means to believe in His Power; a belief in His power means recognizing and accepting of His majesty; acceptance of His majesty means fulfilling the obligations laid down by Him; and fulfilment of obligations action.

I wonder at the mentality of a miser; fearing poverty he takes to stinginess and thus hastily, pushes himself head-long into the state of want and destitution; he madly desires plenty and ease, but throws it away without understanding. In this world he, at his free will, leads the life of a beggar and in the next world he, will have to submit the account like a millionaire.

I wonder at the arrogance of haughty and vain person. Yesterday he was only a cell and tomorrow he will be dead body. I wonder at the man who observes the universe created by God and doubts His being and existence. I wonder at the man who sees people dying around him yet has forgotten his end. I wonder at the man who understands the marvels of original creation and refuses to accept that he will be brought back to life again. I wonder at the man who takes great pains to decorate and to make comfortable this mortal habitat and totally forgets his permanent and immortal abode.

Whoever is not diligent in his work will suffer sorrow and loss, whoever has no share of God in his wealth and in his life, then there is no place for him in the Realm of God.

Be cautious of cold in the beginning of winter and welcome it at the close of the season. Because cold season behaves with your bodies exactly as it does with trees; in the early season its severity makes them shrivel and shed their leaves, and at the end it helps them to revive and rejuvenate.

A friend cannot be considered a friend unless he is evaluated on three occasions: in time of need, behind your back, and after your death.

If you want to pray to the Lord for better means of subsistence, then first give something in charity.

If one is sure of the returns, then he shows great liberality in donations.

One who practices moderation and temperance will never be troubled with poverty.

Half of the sagacity is to acquire friends and sympathizers.

Grief is half of old age.   

Wednesday, May 18, 2022



Success is the result of foresight and resolution; foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning to keep your secrets to yourself.

Whoever wants to be a leader and a guide, should educate himself before educating others; before teaching morality to others, he should improve his morality and character.

Interceder is the wing of the seeker.

If you are confused about good or adverse effects of an action, then study carefully the cause, and you will know the effect.

Acquire wisdom and truth from whomever you can because if a wise saying is in the bosom of a hypocrite it flutters till it comes out and settles with its own category in the bosom of the believer.

The value of a man depends upon the art and skill which he has attained.

No one should repose hope save in his Lord; no one should fear anything  save his sin; no one should feel ashamed of saying “I do not know” when he asked about a matter which he does not know; no one should feel ashamed of learning a thing which he does not know and should practice endurance, because endurance is for belief what the head is for the body, so that just there is no good in a body without the head there is no good in belief without endurance.

One who imagines himself to be all knowing will surely suffer on account of his ignorance.

I appreciate an old man’s cautious opinion more than the valor of a young man.

I wonder about a man who loses hope of salvation when the door of repentance is open for him.

There are two things in this world which softened the Wrath of God and prevented its descent upon man. The one which has been taken away is the person of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) and the one which is still with them is repentance and atonement for sins.

Whoever keeps his affairs in order with God (follows His orders sincerely) God will also put his affairs with men in order.

He is the wisest man who advises people not to lose hope in the mercy of God and not to be overconfident of immunity from His Wrath and punishment.

The hearts get weary as bodies get weary; so, look for beautiful wise sayings for them.

The lowest form of knowledge is that which remains on the tongue and the most superior form is that which manifests itself through (the action) of the limbs and the organs of the body.

Action accompanied by fear of Allah does not fail; and how can a thing fail which has been accepted.

Sleeping in a state of firm belief is better than praying in the state of doubtfulness.

When you hear a tradition evaluate it with the criterion of intelligence not that of mere hearing because relators of knowledge are numerous but there are few who ponder over them and try to fully grasp the meaning.

He heard a man recite, “We belong to God and our return is towards Him” He said, “Our saying, ‘Inna Lillah’ (verily we are Allah’s) is an admission of His Majesty over us and our saying ‘wa Inna ilaihi rajiun’ (and verily to Him we shall return) is an admission of our being mortal.

Monday, May 16, 2022



Success is the result of foresight and resolution; foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning to protect secrets.

Fear the attack of a noble person when he is hungry and a mean person when his stomach is full.

The hearts of the people are like wild beasts, they attach themselves to those who love and train them.

If your luck is favoring you, your defects will be hidden from the eyes of the world.

Only he can forgive who has power to punish.

Generosity is that which is by one’s own initiative, giving on being asked is either out of self-respect or to avoid rebuke.

There is no wealth like wisdom, no poverty than ignorance, no inheritance like culture, no support like consultation.

Patience is of two kinds; patience over what pains you, and patience against what you desire.

Wealth converts a foreign country into your native place and poverty turns your native place into a strange land.

Contentment is wealth that does not diminish.

Wealth is the fountain head of passions.

Whoever warns against sins and vices is the one who is carrying the news of salvation to you.

The tongue is such a ferocious beast that if let loose it will act dangerously.

The women are such a snake that its contact is most pleasing.

If you are wished or saluted, then return the wish in the most appropriate manner. If you are favored, then repay the obligation many fold although the credit would remain with the one who initiated.

The best source of success of a claimant is the mediator.

The people of the world are like travelers who are carried while they are asleep.

To lose a friend is to become a stranger in one’s own country.

To miss what one needs is easier than to beg from an inappropriate person.

Do not be ashamed of giving little because to turn away the needy is an act of greater shame.

Charity is the adornment of destitution while gratefulness (to Allah) is the adornment of riches.

You will not find an ignorant person but one extreme or the other.

As intelligence increases speech decreases.

Time wears our bodies, renews our desires, brings death near, and takes away aspirations, successful encounters grief and whoever misses its favors also undergoes hardships.

The breath of a man is a step towards his death.

Sunday, May 15, 2022



Rendering relief to the grief stricken and providing comfort in hardship are the means of atonement for great sins.

O son of Adam, when you see that your Lord, the Glorified, bestows His favors on you while you are disobeying Him, you should fear Him.

Often your utterances and expressions of your face leak out the secrets of your hidden thoughts.

When you are ill do not get nervous over it and try as much as possible to act hopeful.

The best form of devotion to the service of God is not to make a show of it.

When you have (ultimately) to turn your face away from this world and must meet death, why wish delay.

Fear! Fear! By Allah, He has hidden your sins so much so as though He has forgiven.

Anyone who has done a good action is better than his action, and anyone who has committed a bad deed is worse than the deed itself.

Be generous but not extravagant, be thrifty but not miserly.

To give up inordinate desires is the best kind of wealth and fortune.

One who is quick in saying unpleasant things about others, will himself quickly become a target to their scandal.

One who hopes inordinately impairs the standard of his work.

Advising Imam Hasan (a.s.), he said: The greatest wealth is the wisdom and judgement, the greatest poverty comes of stupidity and ignorance, the worst social element is the vanity, conceit, and self-glorification; the best nobility of descent exhibits itself in politeness and in refinement of culture. Do not make fool a friend because he will try to do you good  he will do harm; do not make miser your friend, he will run away from you when you need him; do not make friend of a vicious and wicked person because he will sell you and your friendship at the cheapest price; and do not make friend of a liar because like mirage he will make you visualize things very near which lie at great distance and make you see at great distance the things which are near to you.

A wise man first thinks and then speaks and a fool speaks then thinks.

Optional prayers cannot attain the Pleasures of God for you when compulsory daily prayers are left unperformed.

Advising a sick companion, he said: May Allah make your illness a means for writing off your sins, because there is no reward in sickness but that erases sins and makes them fall like (dried) leaves. Reward lies in saying by the tongue and doing something with the hands and feet. Certainly, Allah, the Glorified, admits into Paradise by virtue of truthfulness of intention and chastity of hearts to whomsoever He wishes from among His creatures.

Blessed is the person who kept in mind the next life, acted to be able to render account, remained content with what sufficed him and remained pleased with Allah.

The sin that displeases you is better in the view of Allah than the virtue which makes you proud.

Value of a man depends upon his courage; his veracity depends upon his traits of nobility and self-respect and his chastity depends upon his sense of honor.

Friday, May 13, 2022



Allah (s.w.t.) advised his Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) to pray for increase in knowledge “Rabbe Zidni Ilma” (My Lord! Increase me in knowledge) 20:114 and accordingly His Apostle must have responded for more knowledge. Whatever Allah (s.w.t.) gave him, he transmitted to his vicegerent Imam Ali (a.s.). The Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) said, “I am the City of Knowledge and Ali (a.s.) is its Gateway.Allama Razi had collected (whatever he could) his sermons, letters, and sayings in the famous book, “Nahjul Balagha” We are trying to reproduce such sayings which are relevant to our time.

During civil disturbance, be like an adolescent camel who has neither back strong enough for riding nor udders for milking. He who adopts greed as a habit devalues himself; he who discloses his hardship agrees to humiliation and he who has his no control over his tongue often faces embarrassment.

Miserliness is shame, cowardice is a defect, poverty disables an intelligent man from arguing his case, a destitute is a stranger in his hometown, incapability is a catastrophe, patience, and ability to suffer in silence bravery, abstinence from vicious world is greatest wealth and piety is the best defense and armor (against sin).

Surrender to and acceptance of Allah are the best companion’s wisdom is the noblest heritage, good manners a new dresses and thinking is clear mirror.

A wise man’s mind is the safest is the safest custody of his secrets, cheerfulness gets more friends and cover many defects.

A self-admiring man is dislike by others. Charity and alms are the best treatment for ailments and calamities, one must face in after life the deeds he has done in this world.

Man is the wonderful creature, he sees through layers of fat, he hears through a bone, he speaks through a lump of flesh (tongue).

When this world favors anybody, it lends him qualifications, attributes, and surpassing merits of others; and when it turns its face away from him, it snatches away even his own excellences and fame.

Treat people in such a way and live amongst them in such a manner that if you die, they weep over you; alive they crave for your company.

If you get an opportunity and power over your enemy then, in thankfulness to Allah for this, forgive him.

He is very unfortunate who cannot make a few sincere friends and sympathizers, and more unfortunate is the one who has gained them and the lost them.

When few blessings come your way, do not drive them away through ranklessness.

Who is deserted by friends and relatives will often find help and sympathy from strangers?

Every person who is tempted to go astray does not deserve punishment.

Our affairs are hinged to the destiny decreed by the Lord; even our best thought out programs may lead to death and destruction

One rushes madly after inordinate desires runs the risk of encountering destruction and death.

Overlook and forgive weaknesses of generous people, because if they fall, the Hand of Allah lifts them up.

Whose deeds lower him, his pedigree cannot elevate him. PART ONE

Monday, May 9, 2022



The Gateway of Knowledge (of the Noble Messenger s.a.w.a.s.), The Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (a.s.) said:

“Do not be like him who hopes for (bliss of) the next life without action, and delays repentance by lengthening desires, who utters words like ascetics  in this world but acts like those who are eager for it; if he is allowed something form it  he does not feel satisfied, if he is denied he is not content; he is not grateful for what he gets and covets for increase in whatever remains with him; he refrains others  but not himself; he commands others for what he himself does not do; he loves the virtuous but does not behave like them; he hates the vicious but is himself is one of them; he dislikes death because of the excess of his sins but adheres to that for which he is afraid of death; if he falls ill he feels ashamed; if he is healthy he feels secure and indulges in amusements; when he recovers from illness he feels vain about himself; when he is afflicted he loses hope, if distress befalls him he prays like a bewildered man, when he finds ease of life he falls into deceit and turns his face away; his heart overpowers him by means of imaginary things while he cannot control his heart by his conviction; for others he is afraid of small sins, but for himself he expect smore reward than his performance; if he gets wealthy he becomes self-conscious and falls into vice; if he becomes poor he despairs and becomes weak; he is brief when he is doing good thing but goes too far when is begging ; when passion overtakes him he is quick in committing sin but delays repentance ; if hardship befalls him he goes out of the canons of the (Islamic) community; he describes instructive events but does not take instruction himself; he preaches at length but does not accept any preaching for himself, he is tall in speaking but short in action; he aspires for things that would perish and ignore things that would last for good; he regards profits as loss as profit; he fears death but does nothing in its anticipation; he regards the sins of others as big  but considers the same the same things for himself as small; if he does something in obedience to Allah he considers it much but if others do the same he considers it small; he therefore rebukes others but flatters himself; entertainment in the company of the wealthy is dearer to him than remembrance  (of Allah) with the poor; he passes verdicts against others for his own interest and does not do so against himself for others’ interest; he guides others but misguides himself; he is obeyed by others but he himself disobeys (Allah); he seeks fulfilment (of obligations toward himself) but does not fulfill his obligations (toward others); he fears the people  (and acts) for other than Allah and does not fear Allah in his dealings with the people.”

Source: Nahjul Balagha (Saying # 149)