Monday, April 29, 2013


Hazrat Qambar was one of the slaves of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (a.s.).Although, Imam had set him free but he insisted to serve the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.).
Imam Ali (a.s.) was the ideal master.  One day, Imam Ali (a.s.) went to the market and took Qambar with him. There he bought two dresses, one of which was very nice and expensive and the other was not as nice. When returned home, he gave the nice dress to Qambar and kept the other one for himself. Qambar told the Imam (a.s.) that it would be better if he wore the nicer one as he was the leader of the Muslims. The Imam (a.s.) told him that Qambar should wear the nicer dress because he was younger and so it would suit him better; but more importantly the Commander of the faithful told him that he was a guide for the Muslims and had to set a good example for them by leading a simple life.

At yet another time Imam Ali (a.s.) was returning from a journey with a string of camels fully loaded with goods. On the way a beggar asked for a piece of bread. Imam Ali (a.s.) asked Qambar to give some bread to the beggar. Qambar was searching for the bread. After few moments Imam Ali (a.s.) asked about the delay. Qambar said: “I am looking for the bread.” Chief of the Philanthropy, Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “Give the beggar the camel which carries the food.” After a while the Imam (a.s.) again asked about the delay.
Qambar said: “I am searching the camel which carries the bread.” Imam Ali (a.s.) ordered “Give the whole caravan” Qambar hurriedly jumped off from the camel and handed over the reins of the whole caravan to the fortunate beggar.
Imam Ali (a.s.) smiled at the agility of Qambar and asked him: “Why did you jump so quickly and handed over the reins in such haste?” Qambar replied: “Master, you are in such a mood that on account of a little delay, you gave away the whole caravan. I was afraid if there was some more delay, you might give me away also with the caravan! You will get a thousand slaves like me but where will I get a master like you?”

After the martyrdom of the Commander of the faithful (a.s.), Qambar related that he very seldom had the opportunity to serve his master. He used to do his work himself. The Imam used to give them (slaves) good food and decent dresses and would eat and dress like a poor man. He never got angry. He never used a cane on his horse or camel.
Qambar continued that he was angry with Qambar only once, when he showed the 100 Dirham he saved, the Imam was very sad. When asked him for the reason of his sadness, the Imam said: “Qambar, if you have no use of this money, were there not people around you who were in need of it, some of them might have been starving  and some ill and infirm, could you not have helped them. I never thought that you could be so heartless and cruel, and could love wealth for the sake of wealth. Qambar, I am afraid you are not trying to acquire much from Islam, try more seriously and sincerely. Take these coins out of my house. I took them out and distributed among the beggars in the Kufa mosque.

Once a woman was found guilty of a major sin and she was brought before the Supreme Judge, Imam Ali (a.s.). The Holy Imam (a.s.) after making proper investigations decreed that the woman should be punished in accordance with the Divine Commandments.
Qambar, who was one of the devout followers of Imam Ali (a.s.), was ordered to enforce the sentence of punishment but out of rage he whipped her with three extra lashes. When
The Judicious Imam (a.s.) came to know of it, he took the lash from Qambar’s hand and by making him lie down whipped him three times.
One day, Muatawakkil, the caliph, asked  ibne Sikkit, the tutor of his sons, “Do you love my sons more than the sons of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)?” He at once replied with valor and bravely: “I love Qambar, the slave of Imam Ali (a.s.) more than I love your sons!”
Mutawakkil was enraged and furious like an injured wolf and ordered that the tongue of this man be extracted and pulled from the back of his neck. So the great man died at the age of 58 years.

Hujjaj bin Yousuf was the governor of Iraq during the time of Abdul Malik ibne Marwan.
The tyrant beast used to boast: “The most tasteful thing to me in the world is shedding blood” He had killed 120,000 shias of Imam Ali. Once he asked “Is there any more shias left?” He was told that Qambar was alive. Qambar, who had become old, was captured.
Hujjaj: “Are you a slave of Ali?”
Qambar: “Allah is my master and Ali is my benefactor”
Hujjaj: “What was your duty in the service of Ali?”
Qambar: I used to bring water for his ablution (wuzu)”
Hujjaj: “What was Ali reciting after finishing wuzu?”
Qambar: “He used to recite this verse: “And when they forgot that which they have been admonished, He opened for them the door for all things (of enjoyment); until when they rejoiced in what they were given, We caught them suddenly, when, lo! they were in utter despair.” (6:44)
Hujjaj: “I suppose he meant us to be included in this verse?”
Qambar: “Yes”
Hujjaj: “You better leave the religion of Ali”
Qambar: “Before I leave his religion, tell me which religion is better than his?”
Hujjaj: “What will you do if I cut your head?”
Qambar: “Then it will be good luck for me and bad luck for you.”
In another tradition, the last questions and answers were recorded differently.
Hujjaj: “I surely intend to kill you. You better choose your own method of death”
Qambar: “It is up to you. Kill me in what ever way you like, because I kill you the same way on the Day of Judgment. And as a matter of fact my master had told me that you would behead me.” Hujjaj ordered him to be beheaded.

Lessons from Quran by Professor Muhsin Qarati
Slavery: Islamic and Christian Perspectives by Sayyid Saeed Akhter Rizvi
Akhlaaq-e-A’imma, Morals and Manners of Imam Ali by Maulana Zafar Hasan Amrohi
Amir-al-Momineen and his two servants found on Islamic
Master and Mastership by Ayatulla Murtada Mutahhari

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Islam is a religion which advises its followers to exercise cleanliness of self, both inside and outside. It encourages Muslims to keep one’s self and environment clean. As regards the personal hygiene, Muslims are advised to keep the body, house and community neat and clean. Bodies and clothes should be clean. Thoughts should be clean.
Islam has extensive teachings which are related to all the aspects of human life and cover all human needs, whether material or spiritual, individual or social. It includes important provisions regarding cleanliness, sound nutrition, and hygiene, physical and mental health.
The Holy Qur’an says:
“Truly, Allah loves those who ask for forgiveness and strive to keep themselves clean.” (2:222)
“Allah sends down water from the Heavens upon you, and thereby He may purify you”
“O you messengers! Eat of the good things and do what is right.” (23:51)
“O you who believe! Eat of the good things with which We have provided you, and give thanks to Allah.” (2:172)
The Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
Cleanliness is part of faith.
Everybody who chooses a dress must keep it clean.
Had it not been inconvenient, I would have enjoined upon the Muslims
to brush their teeth before every prayer.
Keep the compound and front part of your house well-swept and clean.
He who sweeps a masjid is rewarded by Allah as if he obtained the release of a slave.
The dossier of a man, who abstains from spitting and blowing his nose in a mosque, will be in his right hand on the Day of Resurrection.
Either take a proper care of your long hair of your head or clip them.
Do not grow long moustache, for the devil finds a shelter in them.
Do not keep the rubbish inside the house at night.
Commander of the Faithful said:
It was the practice of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) to raise his mouth, throat and nose with water. It makes ones mouth and nose clean.
Remove cobwebs from your house, for they cause poverty.
The removal of the hair of the arm-pits is a part of cleanliness.
Washing one’s hands before having meals, would prolong life, prevents becoming one’s clothes dirty, and would enlighten one’s eyes.
Imam Jaffer al-Sadiq (a.s.) said:
Washing dishes and keeping the house clean increases sustenance.
Brushing the teeth is tradition of the prophets.
To trim the finger nails was a practice of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.).
Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) said:
To take a bath every second day makes a man healthy and strong.

Following are some of the Islamic injunctions in connection with health, hygiene and nutrition and about the cleanliness of air and environment:
Urination and excretion on the banks of a river, in front of a mosque, on the streets, in the graveyard, under the fruit trees, in a standing position, with face or back of Qibla are prohibited.
Wash fruits before eating it.
Do not eat food while it is too hot.
Observe regularity in regard to food.
Do not gulp water in a single draught. Drink it slowly.
Do not puff up water or hot food.
Take small morsels of food and chew them well.
Wash your hands and mouth before and after every meal.
Do not take food without having appetite and stop eating a little before the stomach is full.
Keep food and water covered.
Massage your body regularly.
Use perfume and rub oil over your body and the hair of your head.
Comb and dress the hair of your head.
Wash your head and face after a haircut and wash your hands after clipping your finger nails.
Do not take injurious food or drink
Take bath or perform ablution, as the case may be, for offering prayers and observe all the rules concerning them.
Offer prayers with clean body and pure clothes.
Go to bed early and rise early.
Keep your head out of the covering while sleeping.
Have a walk in the morning.
Choose an open environment and a vast compound for living.
Go to wash room before retiring for bed.

Philosophy of Islam by Dr. Behshti
Principles of Marriage and Family ethics
    By Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini
Glances on the life of Holy Prophet
    By Dar Rahe Haqq Board of Writers  

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Patience is the calm endurance of hardships. Shaikh Tusi (r.a.) defines patience as “Sabr means restraining the self from agitation when confronted with undesirables.”
The word “Patience” or “Sabr” have been used 103 times in the Holy Qur’an.
Some of the Ayahs are reproduced below:
  1. Help yourselves (in your affairs) by patience and prayers. It is a difficult task indeed, but not for the humble ones. (2:45)
  2. We shall test you through fear, hunger, and loss of life, property, and crops. (Muhammad), give glad news to the people who have patience. (2:155)
  3. ….Allah is with those who exercise patience. (2:249)
  4. ….Who exercise patience, speak the truth, are devoted in prayers, spend their property for the cause of Allah, and seek forgiveness from Allah during the last part of the night. (3:17)
  5. When his son was old enough to work with him, he said: “My son, I have had a dream that I must sacrifice you. What do you think of this?” He replied: “Father, fulfill whatever you are commanded to do and you will find me patient, by the Will of Allah.” (37:102)
  6. …..Allah loves those who have patience. (3:146)
  7. …..If you have patience and piety, it will be a sign of firm determination. (3:186)
  8. Believers, have patience, help each other with patience, establish good relations with one another, and have fear of Allah so that you may have everlasting happiness. (3:200)
  9. (I swear) by the time, human beings are doomed to suffer loss (and fail), except the righteously striving believers who exhort each other to truthful purposes and to patience. (103:1-3)
Patience is the best of all good qualities; its name changes according to circumstances:
The name of patience about physical and sexual hunger is “Iffat”. Restrain during hardship is called Patience. Patience by abstaining from sins is called Taqwa. Patience about loss of wealth is called Zabte Nafs. Patience at the time of worldly loss and calamities is called “Wusate Sakr”. Patience during war is called “Shuja’at” or bravery.
Patience while controlling anger is called “Hilm”. Restrain about someone’s confidential talk is called “Raazdari” Patience against unnecessary leisure is called “Zuhd”. To be satisfied with little is called “Qina’at”
People who have faith have three qualities; Patience in hardship, thanking Allah for His bounties, and being happy in Allah’s Will.
The Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: “When man’s patience reaches its ends, ease and relief sets in for him.”
“(Muhammad), Exercise patience with no complaints” This was the directive of Allah to the Noble Prophet in Surah al-Ma’arij Ayah 5. Consequently, the Messenger and his Holy Progeny(a.s.) used to patiently face the persecution and torture inflicted upon them by their enemies.
The Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “The Messenger of Allah said,
“Sabr is of three kinds: sabr at the time of affliction, sabr in regard to obedience, and sabr in regard to disobedience of Allah. And the third one is superior to the first two kinds.”
Imam Ali said: “Sabr is of two kinds: sabr on what you dislike and sabr on what you like”
Imam Ali ibnal Hussain (a.s.) said: “When calamities befall on you, be patient like a noble man. Do not complain to people about Allah. Because it is like complaining to cruel people about one who is the Most Beneficent and Most Merciful.”
“The relation between patience and belief is like the relation between head and the body.
There is no belief for him who has no patience.”
Imam Jaffer al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: “Whoever of the believers that bears patiently with a tribulation that befalls him, has the reward of a thousand martyrs. When the believer enters his grave, salat is on his right side, zakat on his left side, virtue faces him, with sabr taking him under his shelter. When the two angel’s in-charge of questioning enters upon him, sabr says to salat, zakat, and virtue: “Take care of your companion, and if you fail to assist him, I will take care of him.”
Whoever is unwillingly patient and does not complain, is counted among the common people, his share is, as Allah said: “Give good news to the patient” (2:155) Whoever meets afflictions with an open heart, showing patience with tranquility and dignity, is counted among the elite, his portion is as Allah said: “Surely, Allah is with the patient” (8:46)
Hazrat Bilal, the Muezzin of the Messenger: He was a slave from Abyssinia, Africa and when he converted to Islam, the Makkans tortured him and made him to lie down on the earth in the scorching heat of Arabia, asked him to deny Allah’s unity but he refused to deny. Later on, the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) purchased him and he remained the Muezzin of the Messenger until his demise and left Madinah.
Benefits of Patience: Patience is good for human body as it entails healthy heart and tranquility as opposed to the lack of patience when one gets nervousness and restlessness making a person sick. Reward of patience is immeasurable in the Hereafter.
Famous Poet Hafiz Shirazee: “patience and success are friends of each other; success comes as a result of patience.”
Patience of Prophet Aiyyub: Patience of Prophet Aiyyub is famous because he continued to be patient in the face of every calamity which befallen on him. He lost all the wealth, became very sick as much as his wife also left him. He vowed that if ever he regained his health, he would strike her 100 times. Ultimately, Allah responded to his prayers and restored his lost wealth, his health and his family. When his wife returned, he remembered his vow to strike her, Allah helped him to rectify the oath: “We gave him back his family and doubled their number as a blessing from Us and as a reminder to the people of understanding. We told him, “Take a handful of straw. Strike your wife with it to comply with your oath.” We found him to be patient. What an excellent servant he was. He was certainly most repenting” (38:43-44)
Patience of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) will be discussed in “PATIENCE -2

Ghurarul Hikam
Wasiyyatnama by Shaikh Mamkani
Lantern of the path,  by Imam Jaffer al-Sadiq (a.s.)
Forty Hadees by Ayatullah Khumieni
Anecdotes of Reflections by Islamic Education Board
Moral values of Qur’an by Ayatullah Dasteghaib

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Surah al-Kausar is the shortest Surah consisting of three Ayahs. It was revealed in Makkah.
Innah A’taina Kal Kausar; Fasalle Lerabbeka Wanhar; Inna Shaaneaka Huwal Abtar.
(Muhammad), We have granted you abundant virtue (a fountain in paradise). So worship your Lord and make sacrificial offerings. Whoever has hatred toward you will himself remain childless.
The reason and occasion of its revelation is connected with the identification and interpretation of the word “Kausar”.
Aas ibne Wail, one of the polytheists’ leaders, was talking to the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.).
When he returned to his colleagues, they inquired with whom he was talking. He replied: “I was talking with that “Abtar”. Abtar means “tail-less” whose progeny is cut-off. The Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.)’s son, Abdullah, had died and the Arabs would call such persons who have no son as “Abtar”. In Arab culture, sons were given too much importance and it was presumed that only sons can continue their father’s programs. The Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was disturbed by such remarks. Hence this Surah was revealed to console the Messenger and also gave a heavy blow to his enemies.
There are many interpretations of the word “Kausar” enumerated below:
 * Kausar means Abundance of Barakah.
* It also refers to abundance of descendants. The descendants of Bibi Fatima and Imam   Ali are known as syeds and at this point in time there are millions of syed all over the world.
* It is reported that when this Surah was reveled, the Messenger spoke from the pulpit and said: “Kausar is stream in the Paradise, which is whiter than milk”
* Imam Jaffer al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: “There is a stream in Paradise which was given to the   Messenger in exchange of his son Abdullah (who died in his life time)”
* It also refers to virtues and gifts in abundance. It may also refer to his victories on the battle fields, scholars of very high caliber who have been serving Islam for centuries and coming periods till Day of Resurrection.
For this great gift and abundant virtues, it is required to be thankful, although the thanks of the created-ones cannot wholly compensate the gifts of the Creator. Allah asks to offer prayers and sacrifice. Sacrifice is also a type of prayer.
 Nahr is used for the sacrifice of camel. Nahr is the process of slaughtering camels by first throwing a spear to its neck, when it is fallen on the ground then it is slaughtered like a goat. There have been two more interpretations of the word “Nahr”. First, the Arabs started using this word for any thing opposite to each other. Second, it means to bring your hands near your face. It is reported that when this Surah was revealed, the Messenger inquired from the arch-angel Jibreel who explained that Allah wants the Muslims that while praying salaat and reciting “Takbeer”, before bending for Ruko’o, and after Ruko’o, and before and after performing Sajda, they should raise their hands near the ears showing the palms toward Qibla. He further confirmed that it was the way the angels pray in skies.
If we consider the interpretation of Kausar as the stream in Paradise and once again read the Surah which looks like this: “(Muhammad), We have granted you a stream in Paradise. So worship your Lord and make sacrificial offerings. Whoever has hatred towards you will himself remain childless.” What is the link between the stream and the enemy being childless! The Holy Qur’an is the most eloquent and sublime book that one word has numerous meanings. Hence in the light of the polytheist’s remarks about the discontinuation of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)’s progeny (Abdullah) and the fact that he was disturbed by those remarks, and Allah was consoling him with the good news that he has been bestowed with infinite bounties that his Holy Progeny will expand from his most beloved, exalted and infallible daughter, the Lady of Paradise, Bibi Fatima Zahra (s.a.) while his enemies would perish despite their living sons.
Miracle of Surah al-Kausar:
There are three forecasts mentioned in this Surah.
  1. It refers to all the victories he achieved either on the battle fields or off the battle fields i.e. Peace Treaty at Hudaibiyyah and the victory of Makkah.
  2. He will not be childless (sons) but his progeny will be in millions all over the globe.
  3. His enemies were completely destroyed and there is no trace of his enemies like Bani Umaiyya and Banu Abbas who confronted him and Ahlul Bayt.
Agha Mirza Mehdi Pooya (r.a.) said: “In gratitude of the grant of “abundance” the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and his Pure Progeny (a.s.) demonstrated the highest standard of devotion in prayers and in giving every thing they possessed for the cause of Allah (s.w.t.). The sacrifice of Imam Husayn (a.s.) has been described as “Zebhe Azeem” in Ayah 107 of Surah al-Saffat. In some degree, according to the grade of their submission, all the believing men and women receive some portion from the “abundance” given to the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.), therefore, they are commanded to pray Salaat and sacrifice what ever they have in the cause of Allah (s.w.t.), when ever necessary.”

Monday, April 15, 2013


Hazrat Fizza was the maid-servant of The Chief of The Women of the Universe, Bibi Fatima Zahra (s.a.). She was the Queen of Ethiopia, was enslaved, purchased then freed by the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.). She was given the title of “Amma” due to her dedication and loyalty to the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). She lived in the house of Bibi Fatima Zahra (s.a.).
The Prophet (s.a.w.s.)’s daughter set an example of humanity and equality by the working arrangement that she will work one day, while Hazrat Fizza will rest and the next day she will work and the Lady of Paradise will rest.
Can it be imagined, that the house where Holy Qur’an was revealed and the company of the Lady of Paradise influenced Hazrat Fizza to such an extent that for twenty years she would quote an Ayah of the Holy Qur’an in response to any question.
Abul Qasim Al-Qashiri narrates a story from Abdullah Bin Mubarak and his encounter with Hazrat Fizza. He noticed Hazrat Fizza at some distance behind a caravan in the desert. He wanted to help her by taking her to the caravan. So he approached her and asked her: “Who are you?” She replied, “And when those who believe in Our revelation come unto thee, say: “Peace be unto thee!” (6:54) She wanted to correct Abdullah Bin Mubarak reminding him of the proper ethics before opening conversation. He then offered his salutations and asked: “What are you doing here?” She replied: “And one who Allah guides none can mislead” (39:37) Abdullah understood from this Ayah that she was not lost in the desert. He then inquired: “Are you a human being or jinn?” She replied: “O Children of Adam! Adorn your self at every place of worship” (7:31) He then asked: “Where are you coming from?” She replied: “They are being from a place far distant!” (41:44) He continued to inquire: “Where do you want to go?” She informed him: “And Pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto Allah for mankind.” (3:97) She was informing him that she was going to perform Hajj. He then asked: “When did you leave for Makkah?” She replied: “And verily We created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them in six days.” (50:38) He asked: “Are you hungry?” She replied in affirmative: “And We did not make for them a body that can live without eating.” (21:8)
He waited at a distance on his horse while she ate the food he offered to her. When she finished her meal, he called out to her: “Come running, hurry up!” She told him: “Allah burdens not a soul beyond its scope.” (2:286) He said: “Sit behind my horse” Once again she had to remind him of Islamic etiquette. She refused and recited: “If there were therein gods beside Allah there would have been disorder.” (21:22) It can be seen how she glorifies oneness of Allah while reminding to guard his faith (Taqwa). He took heed to the Ayah and dismounted from the horse. After she was comfortably seated on the horse, she recited the words of praise: “Glory is to Allah who has subdued these (animals) unto us.” (43:13) When they caught up with the caravan she was traveling with, He asked: “Do you have anyone in this caravan? “O David, We have made you a khalifa in the earth.” (38:26) “Muhammad was but a Messenger” (3:144) “O John, holdfast to the Scripture” “O Musa, I am Allah, Lord of the worlds” (28:30) By reciting these Ayahs, she named four people in the caravan. When David, Muhammad, Yahya, and Musa saw her they ran towards her. He asked: “Who are they?” She answered: “Wealth and children are the ornaments of this life.” (18:46) These were the sons of Hazrat Fizza. Seeing that Abdullah had assisted their mother with kindness, they treated him with due respect. She ordered her children: “Hire him. The best person you should hire is the one who is strong and trust worthy.” (28:26)
Hazrat Fizza served the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) for 58 years. She was the symbol of deed and commitment and by confronting the problems and difficulties along with Sharikatul Hussain, Sayyada Zaynab (s.a.) with courage, bravery and firmness; she for ever became the symbol courage and sincerity for women.
Hazrat Fizza was part of the incident when Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain fell sick and the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) suggested to Imam Ali (a.s.) to make a “Nazr” - vow to keep three fasts when the Hasnain (a.s.) recover from sickness. When they recovered from sickness, every one kept the fast for three days, including Hazrat Fizza. Each day, at the time of “Iftaar” someone knocked at the door to solicit food and they all gave their share food to him and kept the second day fast without eating any thing. After third day, the following Ayah of the Holy Qur’an was revealed: “They who fulfill their vows, and fear the day, the woe of which stretches far and wide. And they give away food, out of love for Him, to the poor and the orphan, and the captive, (saying) we feed you only for the sake of Allah, we do not want anything from you, not even thanks. Verily we fear from our Lord a stern day of distress.” So Allah will guard them from the evil of that day and give them freshness and pleasures.” (76:7-11)
It is reported that once she invited the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) for meals in the house of Imam Ali (a.s.) and Bibi Fatima. Because she had trust in Allah in spite the fact that there was nothing in the house. When the Prophet arrived, she went and offered two rakat prayers and solicit help from Almighty. Allah accepted her prayers and sent food from Paradise for Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)
She knew the art of making gold from other metals. Once, she converted copper into gold and presented it to Imam Ali (a.s.). Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “If you would have melted pewter and make gold, the color of the gold would have been sharper and more valuable.”
She inquired if the Imam was familiar with the process to which Imam replied that even his son, (Imam) Hussain, knows it. Then, the Imam told her to look towards a direction and she saw that a golden piece of about the size of a camel’s neck was there. She was surprised at the Imam’s contentment. The Imam mentioned the short life of this world and the Hereafter. Afterwards, she adopted patience, contentment, and piety. The Imam prayed: “O Allah! Make Fizza a source of blessings for us”
During a period when Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) were passing through a tough time and were starving for three days, then Fizza took permission from the Lady of Paradise, Bibi Fatima Zahra (s.a.) and went out to collect some wood, grass and a special leafs called “Gule Khairi). She put her bangle (from Paradise) in a pot and put it on fire. After some time she hammered it up and put the special grass in it, sealed it and put on fire for few hours. When it cooled off, it became silver. When she brought the price of selling it, Bibi Fatima asked her to distribute it to poor. She was surprised about it. Next day, Bibi Fatima asked Fizza to bring some special grass and heated the pot for sometime. Then she took the metallic portion of a spear and put it in the pot. After few hours, it turned into gold. Like yesterday, she asked Fizza to sell the gold and distributed the money to the needy and poor. Fizza asked as to why she did not retain a portion of money for the house. Bibi replied: “If I do this then I would be deprived of the bounties from Allah”
When the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was on the death bed, he asked Fizza if she had any wish. Fizza replied: “Please pray to Allah to grant me long life so that I may live till the tragedy of Karbala and share the pains and afflictions with Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)” The Prophet confirmed the acceptance of her wish. Hence, Fizza remained loyal to Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) and she served Bibi Fatima, remained with Bibi Zaynab (s.a.) in Karbala, Kufa and Syria. In the court of Yazid (l.a.), she stood like rock in front of Bibi Zaynab and refused to move away. Yazid (l.a) ordered to whip her. She asked for help from the black body guards of Yazid, seeing the signs of revolt, he abandoned the whipping.  As reported in some narrations that she was with Bibi Zaynab (s.a.) till her martyrdom and was buried in her tomb.
References: Bibi Fizza by Maqbool Ahmed

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


O Allah, make what Shaytan throws into my heart, of desires, suspicion, and envy, be a cause of remembrance of your might, pondering over your Power, and planning against Your enemy. Make what he makes me utter, of indecent and obscene words, reviling a good reputation, false evidence, speaking ill of an absent believer, or abusing one who is present, and other similar things, let all this be a speech in Your praise, an absorption in glorifying You, an excursion in magnifying You, a thanksgiving for Your favors, an acknowledgment of Your goodness, and an accounting of your kindness.
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Progeny, let me not be oppressed while You can repel it from me, let me not oppress others while You have power to restrain me, let me not be misguided while You are able to guide me, let me not be poor while with You is abundance of provisions, and let me not be rebellious while my existence is from You.
O Allah, I come to seek Your forgiveness, I aim for Your pardon I yearn for Your forbearance, and I have confidence in Your kindness, though I have nothing with me to entitle me to Your forgiveness nor is there is anything in my actions which would make me deserve Your pardon. I have nothing, after I judge myself except Your Grace, so Bless Muhammad and his Progeny, and be gracious to me.
O Allah, make me speak with guidance, inspire me with piety, give me success for that which is most pure, and employ me in what is most pleasing to You.
O Allah, let me walk on the most exemplary path, and let me live and die on Your creed.
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Progeny. Make me enjoy moderation, place me among; the people of right behavior, guide to right conduct, and the righteous servants.
Provide me with victory at the return and safety from the?
O Allah, take to Yourself, from my soul what will purify it. And leave for my soul that of my soul which will set it right, for surely, my soul will perish unless You protect it.
O Allah, You are my shelter when I am sad, You are my recourse, if I am deprived, with You I seek help when I am troubled, and with You is a substitute for what is gone by, a correction for what has gone wrong, and a change for what You disapprove. So be kind to me; well being before affliction bounty before asking and right conduct before misguidance. Suffice me against the burden of shame to the servants and grant me safety on the day of return, and favor me with the best of guidance.
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Progeny, ward away evil from me, by Your gentleness, feed me through your favor, reform me through Your generosity, heel me through Your goodness, shade me in Your shelter, and wrap me in Your pleasure, and give me success to reach; the most guided of affairs when affairs confuse me, the purest of actions when actions seem similar, and the most pleasing of creeds when creeds conflict.
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Progeny, crown me with sufficiency, place me in an excellent guardianship, grant me the true guidance, do not try me by abundance (of wealth), grant me excellent comfort, do not make my life a continuous trouble, do not reject my prayer in repulsion, for I do not make anyone Your rival, nor do I call upon anyone as Your equal.
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Progeny, prevent me from extravagance, preserve my sustenance from waste, increase my possession through blessing them, set me up on the path of guidance, through piety in what I spend.
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Progeny, spare me the burden of earning and provide for me without measure, so that the seeking (of sustenance) should not distract me from Your worship, nor (would I have to) bear the load of ill results of earning.
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Progeny, and protect me from what I fear, through Your might.
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Progeny, guard my face (honor) through prosperity, do not disgrace my dignity through neediness, lest I seek providence from those whom You have provided, and ask bestowal from the worst of Your creatures. Then I would be tempted to praise he who gave me, and afflicted with blaming he who denies me, while You, not they, are the Master of giving or denying.
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Progeny, provide me with soundness of worship and detachment in renunciation of knowledge in practice, and piety, on the whole.
O Allah, seal my term with Your pardon, verify my hope in expecting Your mercy, ease my path to reach Your pleasure, and make my actions good in all circumstances.
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Progeny, alert me to Your remembrance in times of negligence, employ me in Your obedience in the days of respite, clarify for me an easy path to Your love and complete for me, through this the good of the world and the hereafter.
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Progeny, the best of what You have blessed anyone from Your creatures before him, and the best of what You will bless anyone after him.
And give us good in the world and good in the hereafter and save me, by Your mercy, from the fire.

Reference: Sahifa-e-Kamila by Imam Ali Ibnal Hussain (a.s.)

Sunday, April 7, 2013


The daughter of the Noble Prophet of Islam is Bibi Fatima Zahra (s.a.). She has many titles; two of them are, “Sayyadatun Nisa il Aalamin” and “Khatoon-e-Jannat”. Bibi was Siddiqah as testified by Allah (s.w.t) in the Holy Qur’an “And whoever argue with you in this matter after what have come to you of knowledge, then say, come, let us call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, our selves and yourselves, then let us (humbly) pray to (our Lord) and invoke the Curse of Allah upon the Liars.” (3:61)
The Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) took only Bibi Fatima Zahra (s.a.) to face the Liars. Although, the Ayah had used the Plural tense, but the Prophet had to pick-up those who had never lied in their life time.
She was Tahira as confirmed by the Ayah-e-Tathir; “O People of the house, Allah wants to remove all kinds of uncleanness from you and Purify you thoroughly” (33:33)
Most Truthfuls of “Mubahela” challenged:
Her mother, Bibi Khadija (s.a.), was the first woman to testify the prophet hood of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the richest lady in the whole of Arabia. After her marriage, she gave her entire wealth to her husband for promoting Islam. It is an irony, that after the demise of the Noble Prophet, when she pleaded for the reinstatement of Fadak which was gifted to her in accordance with the command of Allah in Holy Qur’an: “What Allah has bestowed on His Apostle (and taken away) from them for this ye made no expedition with either cavalry or camelry: But Allah gives power to His Apostle over any he pleases: and Allah has power over all things” (59:6). The khilafat required witnesses whereupon Imam Ali (a.s.), Imam Hasan (a.s.), Imam Husain (a.s.) and Umme Aiman came forward but were rejected. The event of “Mubahelah” testified these were “Most Truthfuls” yet not accepted! Thereupon, Bibi asked it to be given to her as inheritance of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) but was refused base upon an “unheard of hadees”. The philanthropy of Bibi Fatima (s.a.) and Imam Ali (a.s.) is well known in history. Did she want Fadak for worldly comforts?
Shaikh Saduq (r.a.) narrated in “Ilal Ashsharae” that Zaid ibne Ali said: “I heard Imam Jaffer al-Sadiq (a.s.) said, “(Bibi) Fatima was called Muhaddethah because angels descended from Heaven and called as they called Maryum Binte Imran, and said “O Fatima! Allah hath chosen thee above the women of all nations.”
The Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.)’ love for (Bibi) Fatima Zahra (s.a.)
Ibne Abbas narrated in Bihar al- Anwar that Allah’s Messenger said: “Surely my daughter Fatima is: The Mistress of all women from the beginning to the end. She is part of me and the light of my eyes, she is the flower of my heart, and is my soul, (Fatima) is a human huri, who, whenever she stands in prayers in the presence of her Lord (Exalted is His name), her light illuminates the skies for the angels, like the stars shine to the people on earth.”
The Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.) gave her the title of “Umme Abiha" meaning her father’s mother.
Tasbih-e-Fatima: Bibi Fatima was over-burdened with the work of raising children and cooking etc. hence Imam Ali (a.s.) advised her to request her father for a maid servant. When she talked to the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s.), he told her: “Shall I teach you some thing that is better for you than a servant and a world with everything in it? After every prayer say Allah o Akbar 34 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, and Subhanallah 33 times then conclude that with La Ilaha Illallah. Surely this is better for you than that which you wanted and the world and its belongings.”
Her famous sermon in the Mosque of the Prophet is a master piece of her divine knowledge from the clear spring of Prophet hood and the excellence of truth from the House of Revelation. Some of her references to Islamic theology are reproduced here:
….The eloquent book of Allah; the truthful Qur’an; The brilliant light; The shining beam; Its insights are indisputable; Its secrets are revealed; Its indications are manifest; and its followers are blessed by it. (The Qur’an) leads its adherents to goodwill; and Hearing it leads to salvation; with it are the bright divine authorities achieved; His manifest determination acquired; His prohibited decrees avoided; His manifest evidence recognized; His satisfying proofs made apparent; His permissions granted, and His laws written.
So Allah made belief to be purification for you from polytheism.
He made Prayer- An exaltation for you from conceit.
Alms- a purification for the soul and cause of growth in subsistence.
Fasting- an implantation in devotion,
Pilgrimage-a construction of religion,
Justice-a harmony of the hearts,
Obeying us (Ahlul Bayt) - Management of the nation,
Our leadership (Ahlul Bayt)- Safeguard from disunity,
Jihad (struggle)- a strengthening of Islam,
Patience- a helping course for deserving (divine) reward,
Ordering goodness (Amr Bil Maruf)- public welfare,
Kindness to the parents-A safeguard from Wrath,
Maintaining close relations with one’s kin- A cause for a longer life and multiplying the number of descendants,
Retaliation (Qesas)-For sparing blood (souls),
Fulfillment of vows-subjecting oneself to mercy,
Completion of weights and measure- A cause for preventing the neglect of other’s rights,
Forbiddance of drinking wines-an exaltation from atrocities,
Avoiding slander-A veil from curse,
Abandoning theft-a reason for deserving chastity,
Allah has also prohibited polytheism so that one can devout himself to His Lordship.

Fatima, The Gracious
Ilal Ash Sharae
The Holy Qur’an

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Humans are subjected to assigned universal laws and physiological, psychological and spiritual peculiarities, yet certain people who have been chosen by Allah have been excluded by these laws. For instance, when Prophet Ibrahim was thrown in the gigantic fire, Allah ordered the fire to be cool and provide safety to him.
Procreation cannot take place without impregnation and the implementation of sperm in the woman’s womb, wherein the sperm is made into a clot that grows to be a fetus covered with bones that become an unborn child. This process takes at least six to nine months. But Allah invalidated this process in case of Hazrat Mariam. It has been reported that she gave birth to Prophet Isaa, carrying him for six to nine hours in her womb.
Likewise, all miracles, which occurred through other prophets, took place in environments that did not confirm to natural laws. The Holy Qur’an is filled with numerous examples of such abnormal or supernatural phenomenons.
Woman’s monthly menstruation, which starts at maturity and continues until the fifties and sixties, is nothing but the discharge of spoiled blood and tissues which were to hold the fetus had it been conceived.
Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: “They ask you concerning women’s menstruation. Say they are a discomfort and pollution.” During the monthly periods, women are not obliged to pray or fast and they are forbidden from staying in mosques. In addition, reciting the Surahs of Qalam, Najm, Alif Lam Mim Tanzil, and Ham Mim as they contain obligatory Sajdaas.
Nevertheless, Allah, the Exalted, relieved Bibi Fatima Zahra (s.a.) from such pollution, as He removed all abominations and purified her, a total purification. The Ayah Tathir refers to this purification. For this reason she is called “Batoul”.
Following Traditions confirm the above:
  1. Muhammad Saleh Kashfi in Al-Manaqib reports that the Noble Prophet said: “Fatima was called Al-Batoul because she was safeguarded and relieved from that which women encounter every month (menstruation)”
  2. Al Amr Tasri narrates in Arjah Al Matalib that someone said: “Messenger of Allah, we have heard that you said that Maryam is Batoul and Fatima too, is Batoul”. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied: “Batoul is she who never sees blood, meaning that she never discharges menstrual blood; because menstruation is resented if it occurs in Prophet’s daughters.”
  3. Qanduzi reported in Yanabi Al Mawaddah that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: “She was safeguarded from menstruation and childbed (bleeding)”
Similarly, Al-Nisai, Al-Hafiz Al-Suyuti, Tabari and others also recited this tradition with minor difference of wording.
It was reported in Bihar Al-Anwar that Abu Basir quoted Imam Jaffer al-Sadiq (a.s.) as saying “Allah, the Exalted, forbade (Imam) Ali marrying women while (Bibi) Fatima was alive.” Abu Basir exclaimed “Why was that?” Because she was pure and did not menstruate.” Allama Majlisi commented on that as “This narration means either. First: Fatima did not menstruate; (Imam) Ali had no reason to marry another woman. So Allah forbade him to marry other women in observance of her sanctity. Or, Second: Her eminence disallowed him from marrying another woman; whereas this particularity of hers is a part of this eminence."
Reference: Fatima, The Gracious by Abu Muhammad Ordoni