Friday, June 18, 2021



Five times obligatory prayers keep us away from indecency and evil from our lives. The Glorious Qur’an guides us in Surah al-An’kabut Ayah 45 saying: “Recite that have been revealed to you of the Book, and establish the prayer, verily, prayer (keeps) one away from indecency and evil, and certainly the remembrance of Allah is greater, and Allah knows what you do.” In this Ayah, Allah (s.w.t.) commands His Messenger to take help from the two strengthening sources for performing the heavy responsibility of Prophet hood. He (s.a.w.a.s.) will find whatever he wants in them: knowledge and wisdom, advice and admonition, the criterion for the cognition of right and wrong, the means of enlightening of heart and spirit. He should recite it and apply in his life. The next command is to establish prayer which keeps one away from indecency and evil. Since the nature of prayer reminds man the strongest restraining factors i.e., the firm belief in origin and the Resurrection. He who stands in prayer, calls Allah higher than everything, he remembers His Bounties, praises, and glorifies Him, remembers the Day of Judgement, confesses his servitude to Him, seeks for His help, asks Him to lead him to the Straight Path, and he refuges to Him for the path of those inflicted with His Wrath and those gone astray. It creates a wave of spirituality in him which is a barrier against sins.

The Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) said: “The five ritual prayers are like a stream with flowing wholesome water at the door of one of you in which he washes himself five times a day, then there will remain no dirt over his body.” “Whoever intentionally abandons prayer, his name will be written on the door of Hell among those who enter it. Allah says: “I have a covenant for My servant that if he establishes the prayer in its time, I may not punish him and that I admit him in Paradise without reckoning.”

Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “I recommend you to prayer and protecting it is the best deed and it is the pillar of your religion”

Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said: “The one who wants to know whether his prayer has been accepted or not, he should see whether his prayer hindered him from indecency and evil.” The first thing that will be reckoned from a servant is the prayer. If the prayer is accepted, his other (good) deeds will be accepted, if it is rejected, his other good deeds will not be accepted.

Benefits of Prayers:

1.       The basis, philosophy of the prayer is the remembrance of Allah.

2.       The prayer is the means of wiping out the sins and forgiveness of Allah.

3.       The prayer is the barrier against committing future sins.

4.       The prayer removes negligence.

5.       The prayer removes egotism and haughtiness

6.       The prayer fosters the virtues of morals and spiritual perfection.

7.       As Imam Ali (a.s.) says: “prayer is a means of seeking nearness to Allah.”

8.       The prayer gives value and spirit to other deeds.

9.       The prayer strengthens the spirit of discipline.

10.   As Imam Imam Ali al-Reza (a.s.) said: “The reason of the legislation of prayer is acknowledgement to the Lordship of Allah, struggle against polytheism and idolatry,

 standing in front of Allah in utmost humbleness and submission, confession to the sins and asking forgiveness for the past faults and putting forehead on the ground for the Glorification of Allah every day.

Source: The Glorious Qur’an (Urdu translation) of Tafsir-e-Namounah compiled by Ayatuallah Nasir Makarem Shirazi