Saturday, September 12, 2015


Tawakkul means entrusting all the matters to the Master and relying upon His Trusteeship. Another definition will be   “Tawaakul upon Allah means the severance by the servant of all hopes and expectations from the creatures and attaching them to Allah.” Tawakkul depends upon a person’s knowledge and firm belief in Allah’s Mastership and the quality of the authority of the Sacred Essence over all affairs of the universe. Even if one has tawwakul on Allah, still one should make every effort and endeavor to the best of one’s ability and then rely on His Justice, Help, and Beneficence. Tawakkul in Allah guarantees success in this world and hereafter, no matter how difficult the task is and how harsh the conditions one is going through and how powerful the enemies are. Tawakkul used in Glorious Qur’an 38 times.
Surah al-Talaq Ayah 3: “Allah is Sufficient for the needs of whoever trusts Him.”
Surah al-Maidah Ayah 23: “Have trust in Allah if you are true believer.”
Surah al-Muzammil Ayah 9: “He is the only Lord, so choose Him as your Guardian.”
Surah al-Furqan Ayah 58: “Also trust in the Living One who never dies and glorify Him with His praise.”
Surah Ibrahim Ayah 11: “The faithful should trust in Allah alone.”
Surah al-Nisa Ayah 81: “Therefore, leave them alone and put your trust in Allah; He is sufficient for you as your Gaurdian.”
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.s.) said: “I asked Jibra’il, ‘What is tawakkul?’ He replied, ‘Recognizing the truth that a creature can neither harm nor benefit, and not to have your eyes on the wealth of others. When a servant of Allah acquires these traits, he will act only for Allah and will not have any hope in other than Him. This is the truth and boundary of tawakkul.”
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.s.) said: “Tawwakul means you should bind the camel with a rope and then you say that you have trust in Allah (s.w.t.) that He will protect ouyr camel. You should not have confidence in the rope alone, because many a camel has been stolen with rope. And, likewise, you should not neglect the rope, because binding with therope is a part of tawakkul.”
The highest standard of tawakkul was set when the Infallible Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (a.s.) asked some idle persons as to who they were? “We are those who put their trust in Allah.” Came the reply. Imam Ali (a.s.) asked: “How is your confidence in Allah?” They said: “We eat when we get food, and we have patience when we do not get it.” Imam Ali (a.s.) retorted; “Yes, that is the very nature of dog. “ Stunned, they asked him to explain the true meaning of tawakkul. Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “When we get we give to others; when we do not get, we thank Allah.”
The Infallible Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (a.s.) said in “Munaja’t Sha’baniyya: “My Lord, grant me complete severance of my relations with everything else and total submission to you.”
The Infallible Imam Aliar-Reza (a.s.) said: “Faith has four pillars: Tawakkul on All Mighty Allah, be pleased with His Decree, surrender to Allah’s order, completely entrusting one’s affairs to Allah.” (Ar-Rayshahri, Mizan-al-Hikmah 22499)

Sources used:
40 Hadith by Ayatollah Ruhullah Khomeini, 180 questions and answers about Islam by Ayatollah Nasir Makarem Shirazi
Justice of God by Allama Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi, Faith and Reason by Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani

Islamic business ethics by Allama Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, Merits of the Soul: Trust in God (Tawakkul), WIKIPEDIA

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