Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Since the arrival of Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawwa on the earth, human beings only source of food was plants; fruits and vegetables etc. As the civilization moved forward, man started making different types of food with various ingredients and spices.
With the dawn of industrial revolution in Europe, different types of mechanical and electrical appliances are being used. Now the food is baked, fried or other cooking procedures are used.
If we compare the life expectancy of any average country of the world with the earlier man in human history, we see that because of the modern amenities where bodily movements have been curtailed, ages have become shorter.
It is now imperative to return to the Divine Book of Guidance, which claims that every
“dry and wet subject is mentioned in It”

“When you demanded that Musa provide you with a variety of food, saying, “We no longer have patience with only one kind of food. Ask your Lord to grow green herbs, cucumbers, wheat, lentils, and onions for us….” (2:61)
It is cooling, purifying and diuretic. Keeps you hydrated, skin care, cancer, blood pressure, teeth and gums and bad breath, digestion, joint health, gout, arthritis, diabetes and cholesterol, stimulates hair growth, diuretic and weight loss.

“(I swear) by the fig, by the olive, by Mount Sinai, and by this inviolable city, Makkah.”
It removes kidney and urinary bladder stone, release intestinal pain, piles etc.
Consumption of figs in moderation prevents constipation, colon cancer, coronary heart disease, breast cancer, helps control diabetes, hypertension, sexual dysfunction, and strengthens bones.

Olives: Strengthen body muscles, slow down aging, clears the blood, piles, tuberculosis, eczema, baldness, kidneys and pancreas pain, common cold, and stomach and respiratory diseases. It is anti-oxidant, anti cancer, cholesterol, bone and heart health, purifying effects on liver and intestines, supplies energy, strength and nutrition, skin health and vision.
“It is He who has sent water down from the sky to let all kinds of plants grow; the vegetables with accumulated grains; palm trees fro which appear clusters of dates within easy reach; vineyards, olive groves, and pomegranates of all types.” (6:99)
“(With this water) He causes corn, olives, palm- trees, vines (grapes) and all kinds of fruits to grow. In this there is evidence (of the existence of Allah) for the people of understanding” (16:11)

Dates: They are good for: Heart and skin diseases, diarrhea, intestinal and labor pains, piles liver disorders, physical strengthening, and sexual weakness.
“In both gardens there are fruits, palm-trees, and pomegranates.” (55:68)
The word date has been used in Qur’an  20 times.
The major ingredients in dates are: Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, and Carbohydrates, and Sugars. Other minerals and vitamins are in trace forms.

Benefits of pomegranates include prevention of heart disease such as heart attack or stroke, preventing the spread of prostate cancer reducing cholesterol, and reduce the risk of hardening of blood vessels. It prevents heart disease, helps reduce formation of plaque in the arteries, raises HDL and lowers LDL cholesterol levels. A study done at University of California showed that the antioxidants contained in pomegranates may help fight prostate cancer. It may also help fight lung cancer. Studies by Maryland Medical Centre showed that flavonoids in the juice may prevent osteoarthritis.  
“Or you show us that you have your own garden of palm trees and vines (grapes) with flowing streams therein.” (17:91)

Grapes: Kidney and urinary bladder pain, liver and lung disorders, relax body and brain muscles, common cold and cough, cancer, and stomach diseases.
“As for the people of the right hand, how happy they will be! They will live amid the lotus trees without thorns (Ber).” (56:27-28)
Grapes are helpful in asthma, bone health, heart disease, migraine, constipation, indigestion fatigue, kidney disorder, cholesterol, antibacterial activity, breast cancer, eye health including cataract, immune system.

Bananas and Lote-Trees:
“(As for the people of the right hand) they will amid the lote- trees without thorns( Beri) and banana trees.” (56:27-29)
Average banana has 400 mg of Potassium, and some sugar and Vitamin B6.
Bananas are good for heart, nerves, kidneys and bones, a good source of hemoglobin in blood, mood enhancer and sedative.

“The garden which is promised to the pious, is the like in which there are streams of unpolluted water, streams of milk of unchanged taste, and streams of crystal clear honey.” (47:15) “From out of their (bees) bellies comes a drink of different color in which there is a cure for the human being.” (16:69)
Although, honey is not exactly a fruit but it is very essential for good health.
It prevents cancer, heart disease, reduces cough and throat irritation, anti bacterial and good for athletic performance, reduces ulcers and gastrointestinal disorders, allergy protection, slows aging, helps digestive system.

Islam is a religion of “Moderation” in every human activity. Hence, the benefits stated above are just guidelines. It is highly recommended to consult your physician before consuming any of the above-mentioned fruits.


The Noble Qur’an

Health Benefits of Grapes, Dates, Pomegranates, Olives, Figs, Bananas, and Honey

1 comment:

  1. These fruits should make up the stable diet for all Muslims. Allah knows best.
