Monday, July 17, 2017


The Infallible Successors and Progeny of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.), who were the Imams of the Muslims, were given knowledge by Allah (s.w.t.). They were born with knowledge, they did not go to any school or had any teacher. The divine knowledge which was given to the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) was transferred by him to the Gateway of Knowledge, the Infallible Imam Ali (a.s.), who in turn transferred it to his elder son, the Infallible Imam Hasan (a.s.). Imam Hasan (a.s.) transferred it to his brother, the Infallible Imam Husayn (a.s.). From thenceforth, the knowledge continued to move from father to son till the last twelfth Imam Mahdi (a.s.) who is in occultation and will reappear when Allah (s.w.t.) wishes.
According to the time, environment and need, one of the Imams displayed the divine knowledge to the world. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) had the opportunity to disclose the knowledge to the world. An enemy of the Imam, Abu Shakir challenged the Imam about the existence of God. The Imam replied to him, “You do not believe in anything which cannot be perceived by five senses. Can you see the tiny living beings Allah has created in your body? They are like sand in the desert. You cannot see them with your eyes but you cannot live without them. Do see the air on which the life of plants, animals and human beings depend? Without which they will die. All scientists and scholars believe in a Creator, they may call Him by different names. When a wise man thinks about himself, he finds that his own body needs a controller so that all its organs and systems may function properly. He then realizes that this vast universe needs a controller so that it may run smoothly.    
Everything in the universe is in motion. Nothing is destroyed. Everything is subject to change. Mountains were in a liquid form and gradually it cooled down and Allah solidified it. Air is a creation of Allah, you cannot see it. He is everywhere you cannot see Him. The plants, animals and birds follow the laws made by the Creator that means they worship Him. The light which comes from the sun also worship Allah by obeying His laws. It comes into being by the combination of two opposite forces. If there was no Allah there would have been no universe.
At the age 11, the Imam refuted the theory that the sun, moon and the planets rotated around the earth. The earth, moon and the planets rotate around the sun. He also announced that earth rotated around its axis. When the astronauts landed on the surface of the moon, and directed their telescope towards the earth, they observed that it was rotating slowly on its axis.
At the age 12, he rejected the theory of four elements by Aristotle and proved that it was wrong. He said that earth is not element. It contains many elements. Each metal which is in the earth is an element. Also, there are many elements in the air which are essential for breathing.
About the origin of universe, the Imam said, “The universe was born out of a tiny particle, which had two opposite poles. In this way matter came into being.” About the human body, he said, “Whatever is in the earth is in the human body. It has four elements in large quantity and eight elements in small quantity and eight elements in minute quantity.” The Imam also discovered the oxygen in the air and his father Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) also discovered hydrogen in water. The Imam’s great contribution to the theory of light was that he said, “Light reflected by different objects comes to us, but only a part of the rays enters our eyes. That is the reason why we do not see distant objects clearly.” About the transfer of disease by rays, the Imam said, “Patients suffering from certain diseases emits special types of rays. If these fall upon healthy person, they are apt to make him sick.” The Imam said about a unique theory of “Anti-Matter”, “Everything, except Allah, has its opposites.” In the Anti-Matter, the electrons are positively charged and protons are negatively charged. Scientists have now concluded that if one kilo gram of matter collides with one kilo gram of anti-matter, so much energy will be released that the entire world would be destroyed. About pollution of environment, the Imam said, “We should not pollute our environment otherwise it would become impossible to live on earth.”
Lastly, the Imam advised mothers that they should put their new born babies to sleep on their left side.” Doctors at the Research Institute of Cornell University observed that the babies who are put to sleep on the left side of their mother’s sleep more soundly and peacefully but those who are put on the right side, wake up every now and then and cry.

               Source: The Superman in Islam – A thesis published by the Research Committee of Strasbourg, France

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