Saturday, July 23, 2016


On the night when the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) migrated from Makkah to Madina, the pagans surrounded his house. In order to minimize the possibility of reprisal from the clan of Banu Hashim, all the hostile tribes decided to kill the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.). They were guarding the Prophet’s house with drawn swords at night and planned to enter the house in the morning. Allah (s.w.t.) informed His Prophet about the impending danger to his life and advised him to let Imam Ali (a.s.) sleep on his bed covering with his green sheet concealing the person beneath the sheet.
Imam Ali (a.s.) only asked if he slept in Prophet’s bed his life will be safeguarded. When the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) replied in affirmative, Imam Ali (a.s.) slept in Prophet’s bed.  At this time, Allah, the Mighty questioned Jib’raeel and Mi’kaeel which one of the two would devout his life for the other, but neither of them was ready to sacrifice his life for the other. Then Allah told them to watch how Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) was ready to sacrifice his life for the Noble Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.s.).
At that time, the Ayah 207 of Surah al-Baqarah was revealed: “Wa Minan Na’ase Man Yashri Nafsahub Tegha Maraz’atillah Wallahu Raufun Bil Iba’d” “And among people is he who sells his self to seek the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is affectionate unto His (faithful) servants.”

The one, who would agree to himself instead of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.), who was wanted by the enemy, must essentially have:
1.       The safety of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) preferred to his own safety.
2.       Implicit faith in the duty of man to earn the Pleasure of Allah and His Noble Messenger at any cost even at the cost of his own life.
3.       The courage of surrendering himself willingly with the utmost peace of mind, to sleep under the swords, ready to fall upon him.
4.       The confidence and faith in the Divine Protection.
5.       The external as well as internal resemblance to resemble the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) to the watching eyes, when under the mantle (sheet).
Surprisingly, the enemy could not distinguish when Imamate slept on the bed of Prophet Hood!
It was a sales transaction in which Imam Ali (a.s.) was the seller, the commodity being sold was his “Self”, the buyer was Allah (s.w.t.), and the price being paid to the seller was “the pleasure” of Allah (s.w.t.)

Following are the list of some of the authors and their books who had reported this event of Imam Ali (a.s.) sleeping in the bed of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.):
Ibne Abil Hadid Mu’tazeli                             Sharah-e-Nahjul-Balagha
Allama al-Amini                                                 Al-Ghadeer volume 2 page 48
Imam Ahmad ibne Hanbal                            Musnad volume 1 page 348                                                                        
Tabari                                                                    Tarikh-e-Tabari volume 2 page 373
Yaqubi                                                                  Tarikh-e-Yaqubi volume 2 page 39
Imam Ghazali                                                     Ihya –u-Uloom ud-Deen volume 3 page 238
Sebt-ibn-Jauzi Hanafi                                     Tatkhirat-ul-Khawas page 21
Ibn Husham                                                        As-Sirat-un Nabawiyya volume 2 page 291
Ibn Sabbaq Maliki                                            Al-Fusul ul-Muhimma
Ibne Hisham                                                       Seerat ibne Hisham volme 2 page 291
Halabi                                                                    Seerat-e-Halabi volume 1 page 29
The famous Ibne Abil Hadid Mu’tazeli expressed in his renowned Sharah-e-Nahjul Balagha, volume 4 page 73 that Muawia ibn Abu Sufyan paid four thousand Dirhams to Sumra bin Jundab to fabricate a tradition saying that this valuable Ayah was revealed upon the virtue of the worst creature and murderer of the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (a.s.)!

Source: The Glorious Qur’an (English translation) by Ayatollah H.M.M. Pooya Yazdi

An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Glorious Qur’an

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