Friday, December 18, 2015


Surah al-Fajr Ayah 27 to 30 says: “Ya Aiyyatuhan Nafsul Mut’ma’innah Irjei’ ila Rabbeke Ra’ziatan Mar’ziyyah Fadkhuli Fi Ibadi Wadkhuli Jannati.” “O Serene (tranquilled) soul, return to your Lord well pleased with Him and He will be pleased with you. Enter among My servants into My Paradise.”
The nature of soul (spirit) has not been disclosed to the people as stated in Suarh al-Isra’ Ayah 85: “They ask you about the soul (spirit). Say, “The soul (spirit) comes by the Command of my Lord. You have been given very little knowledge.”
When human soul was in the abstract state, it was in protection of Allah, the Creator. When it entered the human body, it was imprisoned and at this stage it is called “Nafs”. Before it was attached to the body, it had no desires or other material needs. The Nafs attains the knowledge of environment slowly, and being unaware of the knowledge of reality, he gets away from the Origin (Allah). On attaining adult-hood, it confronts his Creator, as stated in Surah al-Nahl Ayah 4: “He created the human being from a drop of fluid but the human being openly disputes His Word.” The distinction of soul from the body is amply explained while explaining the “Life of Martyrs” in Surah al-Baqarah Ayah 154: “Do not consider those who are slain for the cause of Allah to be dead. They are alive but you are unaware of them.” Similarly, the memory is also a manifestation of the soul.
There are four states of “Nafs”; Ammarah, Lawwamah, Mulhimah, and Mut’ma’innah.
Nafs-e-Ammarah commands us to commit sins disobeying the Creator. Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “The restraining of the Nafs is the greatest war!”
Nafs-e-Lawwamah criticizes the person when he commits a sin.
Mulhimah is the state of the Nafs when it receives inspiration from Allah.
Mut’ma’innah is the highest state of certainty and tranquility and should be the goal of every pious person.
To achieve something, we have to work hard as stated in Surah al-Najm Ayah39 and 40: “Certainly, no man can achieve anything without hard labor. He will certainly see the result of his labor.” Similarly, Surah al-Baqarah Ayah 286 enhances the concept: “Allah does not impose on any soul a responsibility beyond its ability. Every soul receives whatever it gains and is liable for whatever it does.”
How to strive towards the state of Nafs-e-Mut’ma’innah:
Man has no control over anything, as highlighted in Surah al-Yaseen Ayah83: “All Glory belongs to the One in whose hands are the control of all things.”One should control his tongue, eyes, and ears. Strive and work towards begging for Mercy of Allah to know one’s self, which in turn leads him to Allah. The Infallible Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “When Allah bestows His Mercy upon a man, he will identify himself.” When man strives towards Mulhimah, then Allah grants serenity as in Surah al-Fath Ayah 4: “It is Allah who has given confidence to the hearts of the believers to increase and strengthen their faith.”The believer should have confidence that when any hardship befalls him, it is recorded in the Book as stated in Surah al-Hadid Ayah 22: “Whatever hardships you face on earth and in your souls are written in the Book (Knowledge of Allah, His prophets and their successors).” When he is in a state of Mulhimah, he enjoys  peace of mind and does not worry about his sustenance as mentioned in Surah al-Za’riyat Ayah 58: “It is Allah Who is the Sustainer and the Lord of invincible strength.”We should stop talking and praising ourselves, keep away from pride and know that man owns nothing but Allah owns everything and knows everything. Do not depend on your worldly resources as they can be lost in no time. Know that as soul is in every part of human body but cannot be seen, similarly, Allah is Omnipresent; present everywhere but cannot be seen. No place is devoid of Him. Study the Unity of Allah and strengthen your faith on His Unity. Do not worry about the sustenance in future. Surah al-Hud Ayah 6 says: “There is no living creature on earth that does not receive sustenance from Allah. He knows his dwelling and resting place. Everything is recorded in the Glorious Book.” Always remember Allah, wherever you are as stressed  in Suarh Ale Imran Ayah 191: “It is these who speak of Allah while standing, sitting, or resting on their sides and who think about the creation of the heavens and the earth and say: “Lord, you have not created all this without  reason. Glory is to you. Lord, save us from the torment of the fire.”
The Infallible Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: “When the Angel of Death approaches a believer (enjoying Nafse-Mut’ma’innah) , he consoles him like a father and asks him to look up and he sees the sacred faces of Ahlal Bayt (a.s.) and the Ayah 27 to 30 of Surah al-Fajr echoes in his ears!

                Condensed from “Nafse Mutmaina” by Ayatullah Shaheed Abdul Husayn Dasteghaib

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