Thursday, January 22, 2015


Our Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) is from the progeny of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) through Prophet Isma’il (a.s.), while Prophet Mousa (a.s.) and Prophet Ie’sa (a.s.) are from the progeny of Prophet Isha’que (a.s.).
Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) was tried and tested by Allah (s.w.t.) and when he was found successful, he was appointed the “Imam” of the people as stated in Surah al-Baqarah Ayah 124: “When his Lord tested Ibrahim’s faith (by His words) and he satisfied the test, He said: “I am appointing you as the leader of mankind.” Ibrahim asked: “Will this leadership also continue through my descendants?” The Lord replied: “The unjust do not have the right to exercise My authority.”
Unjust are the wrongdoers who are unjust to himself or to others.
Allama Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai, the author of the famous Tafseer-e-Qur’an, al-Mizaan, classified wrongdoers into four categories:
(a) Those who are wrongdoers throughout their life.
(b) Those who are wrongdoers in the beginning and became virtuous later.
(c) Those who are virtuous in the beginning but became wrongdoers subsequently.
(d)  hose who are not wrongdoers at any time.
While Prophet Ibra’him was still a young man, he demonstrated Tauheed of Allah by destroying all man-made idols and placed the hammer in the hand of the big idol. When asked who destroyed the remaining idols, he told them to ask the big idol if he could speak! The idol-worshippers threw him in a mammoth fire, but Allah ordered the fire to cool down.

Prophet Ibrahim was happily married to Lady Sarah for a very long time, but they did not have any children. Lady Sarah asked her husband to marry her maid named Ha’jirah and hence Prophet Isma’il (a.s.) was born, when Prophet Ibrahim was about 78 years old.  Later, Allah ordered him to migrate to the Hijaz (present day Saudi Arabia). He arrived in Makkah, which was a barren land at that time. He left his infant son Isma’il and wife Lady Ha’jirah as stated in Surah Ibra’him Ayah 37: “Lord, I have settled some of my offspring in a barren valley near your Sacred House so that they could be steadfast in prayer. Lord, fill the hearts of the people with love for them and produce fruits (sympathy of hearts) for their sustenance so that they may give thanks.”
One of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.)’s tests was when Allah ordered him to sacrifice his young son Isma’il as stated in Surah as-Saffa’at Ayah 102 to 105: “When his son was old enough to work with him, he said, “My son, I have had a dream that I must sacrifice you. What do you think of this? He replied, “Father, fulfill whatever you are commanded to you and you will find me with patient, by the will of Allah. When they both agreed and Ibrahim laid down his son on the side of the face (for slaughtering), We called to him, Ibrahim, you have fulfilled what you were commanded to do in your dream. “Thus do We reward the righteous ones. It was certainly an open trial. We ransomed his son with a great sacrifice and perpetuated his praise in later generations.”
After the birth of Prophet Isma’il from Lady Hajirah, Lady Sarah gave birth to Prophet Isha’que when Prophet Ibra’him was about 86 years old. Surah al-Ankabut Ayah 27: “We granted Isaac (Isha’que) and Jacob (Yaqoob) to Abraham (Ibrahim) and We bestowed upon his offspring Prophet-hood and the Book. We gave him his reward in this world, and in the next life he will be among the pious ones.”
Prophet Ibra’him died at the age of 175.
Sources used:
The Glorious Qur’an, al-Huda Foundation

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