Saturday, November 29, 2014


Muslim bin Awsajah was a noble and pious companion of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.). He fought valiantly defending the left wing of the army of the Infallible Imam Husayn (a.s.) under the command of Zuhayr bin al-Qayeen.
On the night of Ashura, the Infallible Imam Husayn (a.s.) addressed his companions and explained that the so-called Muslims of Yazid’s army were thirsty of his head only and advised them to leave in the darkness of night and that he would lift his allegiance (bai’at) from them. All the companions replied in unison that they would never leave him alone and would sacrifice their lives for him.
Muslim bin Awsajah Asadi said: “Should we desert you? Why should we not make our excuse clear before God tomorrow by doing our duty to you? I swear by God that I shall not leave you till I break my lance in the breasts of the enemies. So long as the sword is in my hand and I possess strength I shall go on striking them. If I do not have any arms I will stone them and I will continue to fight till I lay down my life before your very eyes.”
Muslim proved what he had said. He laid down his life before the Imam.
Miracle on the battle field:
From Yazid’s army, one Abdullah bin Hawzah came forward and said some bad words to Imam Husayn (a.s.). Imam Husayn (a.s.) raised his hands and said: “O Lord! Hasten him towards the fire (of hell)” Hearing this ibn Hawzah was enraged and desired to gallop his horse towards the Imam (a.s.). Suddenly his horse got aroused and threw him down but his left foot got entangled in the stirrup and his right was raised in the air. Then Muslim bin Awsajah attacked and cut his right foot. The horse started running with him with his head hitting against the stones and trees of the desert until he died. Thus his spirit hastened towards the fire (of hell).
On the day of Ashura, the individuals fought as two two, four four at a time. But in all such fights, the brave and righteous soldiers from Imam Husayn (a.s.) side were victorious. At last Yazid’s army commander, Umro bin Hajjaj addressed his men saying: “O foolish men! Do you know whom you have been fighting? You are fighting the valorous people. Do not fight individually, start stoning them.” Then he attacked the right wing of the companions of Imam Husayn (a.s.). Muslim bin Awsajah fought bravely and recited this rajaz (poetry): “If you inquire about me (know that) I am a male lion, (I am) from the chiefs and notables of the branch of Bani Asad, thus the one who oppresses us has deviated from the Right Path and from the religion of the Self-Sufficient , Omnipotent Lord.” At last he fell from his horse and Imam Husayn (a.s.) came to his side and said: “May your Lord have mercy upon you, O Muslim bin Awsajah! Of the believers are the men who are true to what they covenanted with Allah, of them is he who fulfilled his vow, and of them is one who awaits (its fulfillment), and they have changed not in the least.” (Surah Ahzab Ayah 23)
Habib ibn Mazaher came by his side and said: “If I had not known that very shortly I am going to join you I would have asked you to make a will.” Thereupon Muslim replied and those were his last words: “The only will I have to make is that you should sacrifice your life for this Imam.”
Sources used:
Supporters of the two parties                                                                           Ma’aref Foundation of Imam Husayn (a.s.)

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