Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Khaibar is a locality about 90 miles from Madinah. It consisted of 8 or 10 forts where the Jews lived and was the centre of conspiracies against Islam. In the year 7 A.H. after receiving the conspiracy of Jews along with their enemies of Islam, the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) held a consultative meeting of the companions and decided to take on the enemies outside Madinah. According to Allama Tabrisi, the number of Muslims was 1,400 and the number of Jews was 14,000.
The Muslims laid a siege of the forts of Khaibar. The Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) became ill and could not participate in the battle. Similarly, the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (a.s.) was also suffering from eye illness. In the “Tarikh-e-Abul Fada (volume 1 page 187), it is stated: “Due to the illness of Prophet Mohammad (sawaw)Hazrat Abu Bakr took the banner and went to fight but returned unsuccessful and then Hazrat Umar took the banner and fought even harder but he as well returned unsuccessfully, Prophet Mohammad (sawaw) was informed of this situation.”
From the above narration it is clear that the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) never awarded the banner to the companions!
After 5 days of general fighting, the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) said: “Tomorrow I will award the Standard of the Islamic forces to a man who loves Allah (s.w.t.) and His Prophet and Allah (s.w.t.) and His Prophet love him. He is the one who attacks forcefully and does not run away from the battlefield and he will not return until Allah grants victory on his hand.” Every companion was waiting and wishing to be awarded this honor.
Next morning, the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) called for Imam Ali (a.s.), he was told that Imam Ali (a.s.) was suffering from eye illness but he (s.a.w.a.s.) insisted upon seeing the Imam (a.s.) and when arrived, the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) applied his saliva on the eyes of Imam Ali (a.s.) which cured him instantly. Then he (s.a.w.a.s.) prayed to Allah (s.w.t.) and awarded the standard of Islam to him. Imam Ali (a.s.) led the Islamic forces to the strongest fort of Khaibar named Qamoos. When they reached near the fort, the Jews started the battle. Their strong man Haris attacked and martyred 2 Muslims, after which Imam Ali (a.s.) took on Haris and killed him instantly. He was followed by the strongest man in Jews-Marhab. Marhab was killed by Imam Ali (a.s.). His “Zulfiqar” cut him into exactly 2 pieces. Then the general battle started and the Muslims fought courageously under Imam Ali (a.s.). On realizing that they were losing the battle, the Jews started to run towards their fort and closed the huge iron bridge from inside. It was reported that the gate was so mammoth that 40 strong men used to open and close it. Imam Ali (a.s.) gave a big jolt to the gate and extricated it from the foundation. He (a.s.) used it as a bridge on the trench to let the Muslims cross over. The Jews inside the fort cried for mercy and Imam Ali (a.s.) ordered to stop the battle and declared peace for those who surrendered.
It is reported that Marhab’s mother had a dream in which she was attacked by a lion. She used to warn Marhab not to fight with any one whose name resembles ‘lion’.  Abu Rafay, the personal attendant of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) narrates: “When we reached near the gate of the fort, an old Jewish guard asked: “Who are you?” Imam Ali (a.s.) replied: “I am the one who was named “Haider” by his mother, I am the lion of the valley, and I am the great lion, the lion that attacks his prey by chasing it.” The man turned to the people inside the fort and said: “You are destroyed!”
Imam Ali (a.s.)’s whole life, including all the battles in which he was victorious, was in compliance of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.)’s commandments, which in turn was wholly and completely for Islam and the Pleasure of Allah (s.w.t.). Hence, in any battle he did not take any armor or any valuables of the ones he killed. After the conquest of Khaibar, Imam Ali (a.s.) came down the hill of Khaibar, completely empty handed. That makes the Imam Ali (a.s.), the great!
Washington Irving describes Imam Ali (a.s.) in his book “Life of Mohammad”: “He was distinguished for an amiable disposition, sagacious intellect, and religious zeal, and from his undaunted courage, was surnamed “The Lion of God”
R.V.C.Bodley wrote in “The Messenger-Life of Mohammad, 1946”: “Marhab had never been defeated. His huge size frightened the opponents. Marhab attacked first, Ali Gave way. A feint and parry sent the spear flying. Before Marhab could get one of his swords, Ali’s scimitar (curved sword) had cloven his head through his helmet so that it fell on either side of his shoulders…”

Sources used:
Restatement of history of Islam and Muslims                          by Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Asghar Razwy

Al-Mawwadat.com, Ziaraat.com, WIKIPEDIA

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