Thursday, July 11, 2024


The book “Superman of Islam” published by the Research Centre at Strasburg, Germany. This was the result of research work performed by twenty-five scholars from Europe, United States of America except 2 Muslim scholars from the Middle East It has fifty-five chapters covering various scientific, astronomical, religious, and social aspects. The book is written with a pure scientific background regardless of any religious affiliations. Topics of general interest are as follows:

Eating & Diseases: To   protect life, avoid excesses in eating and drinking. Excess in eating may cause premature death. Imam Ali (a.s.) said,” Do not make your stomachs the graveyard of animals.” Imam Ali (a.s.) advised people not to eat excessive meat as this may lead to premature death. A person looks healthy, but he is sick inside and he may become unconscious and die. People who eat meat and other heavy foods in excess, may still feel hungry and without feeling pain may develop sleeplessness. Accidental death is of three types: Diseases of brain, heart, and blood. In the end, accidental diseases are caused by sickness of blood which attacks heart and brain. The sickness of the blood is caused by eating too much meat or other saturated fat foods. Modern science also confirms death by heart disease, stroke affecting brain and blood cancer. People who eat food in moderation may live longer. A man who leads normal life avoiding excesses eating and drinking dies of natural death. On the other hand, a man by his own folly resorts to excesses in life brings his own premature death. Death is the stoppage of heart and breathing. Death is the transformation from one condition to other. Nothing remains in one condition.

Human Body: All materials found in the soil are also found in the human body in varied quantities. There are four items found in large quantity and then there are eight items that are comparatively in lesser quantity and lastly there are eight items found in very small quantity. Modern Biology states that there are four elements found in large quantities which are Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. Elements found in comparatively smaller quantities are Magnesian, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Sulphur, and Iron. The trace elements are Molybdenum, Selenium, Fluorine, Cobalt, Manganese, Iodine, Zinc and Aluminum. One day, a man named Abu Shakir asked the Imam (a.s.) about the existence of Allah. He said that he did not believe in anything not comprehended by the five senses. The Imam asked him if could see inside his body to which he replied in negative. The Imam said that there was blood circulating in the body which completes one circle in a few minutes. If the circulation stops, death will occur. The Imam told him that there were creatures in the body in millions which you cannot comprehend by five senses, but Allah had created them for human safety. Imam Ali (a.s.) had said,” Whoever knows himself, shall know his Creator.” Imam Jaffar Sadiq (a.s.) that there was movement in the stones which was beyond five senses comprehension. U.S. magazine “The Knowledge” in its issue of June 1973 stated the same thing as mentioned by the Imam (a.s.). In response to Abu Shakir’s assertion that everything in the world was created automatically, The Imam told him grass did not grow by itself. Grass grows by the seeds fallen in the soil, rainwater soaks it, the solar energy and air was essential for its growth. The air was necessary for human and plant life but not comprehended by five senses.

The Imam said that a Creator is essential for everything for everything whether humans, plants, animals, or rocks. Even atheists believe that there must be some Super which initiated the creation of this universe. Even an intelligent person ponders about his own body and its disciplined systems will realize about the Creator of his body and the world. The Imam further said that everything in this world is moving. There is movement inside our bodies and the earth is also moving. The Imam said that the stones were in a liquid form but slowly heat was lost it became solid. Replying to a question about Allah’s existence everywhere, the Imam said that air was everywhere, but we cannot see it. Not only human beings pray to Allah, but the animals and birds also pray but we do not understand their language.


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