Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Surah Hujurat is the 49th Surah of the Glorious Qur’an. It deals with different social situations advising the Muslims to behave in a reasonable manner. This Surah may be called the “Surah of Ettiquettes”. The theme may be summarized as:
The Muslims were prohibited from making any decision ahead of Allah and the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s).
Never talk in high pitch in front of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) as they used to talk with their friends as they may forfeit their virtuous deeds. Those who lower their voices in front of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) are the pious ones who will be rewarded and forgiven by Allah. The ignorant persons used to call the Exalted Prophet from outside of his house. They should have waited for the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) to come out and then speak to him.
If an evil-doer brings any news, verify it before taking any hasty decision on that news, otherwise one will regret it later.
The Muslims were supposed to obey him (s.a.w.a.s.), they will be in trouble if he (s.a.w.a.s.) obeys them. Allah had endeared faith in their hearts and has made committing sins hateful for them.
Allah directs that if two believers fight then it is obligatory on other Muslims to make peace between them. If one of the parties outrages the other, then fight with them so that they comply with the Command of Allah. When they comply and ceases to outrage, then make reconciliation between them justly and equitably.

Believers are brothers of one another and if any conflict arises, then make reconciliation among your brothers.
The Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s) stated that  Muslims enjoy thirty claims before his Muslim brethren which are: forgive their faults, be kind to them in affliction, keep their secrets, make good for their errors, accept their apologies, defend them against slanderers, be benevolent toward them, watch over their friendship, be steadfast against their pacts, visit them in their ailments, attend their funeral processions, answer their calls, accept their gifts, return their favors, be grateful for their bounties, make efforts to render them aid and support, preserve their dignity and honor, meet their demands, intercede on their behalf, say ‘yarhamakumullah’ when they sneeze, help the find what they have lost, return their greetings, cherish their words, acknowledge their oaths, regard their friends as his own friends,  refrain from enmity against them,  stand by them in afflictions.

Allah prohibits one group of believers to ridicule another one, it may be the latter are better than the former. Similarly, the women should not ridicule other women. It may be that the latter are better than the former. It is an evil practice to defame one another or insult them by calling names. They are wrong doers if they do not repent after committing such acts.
Allah prohibits the believers to have suspicion about others, doing back-biting which is like eating the flesh of back-biter’s dead brother!

Allah created human race from Adam and Eve (Hawwa) and they are equal and made them into nations and tribes for identification only. Indeed, the most honorable one with Allah is that one who fears Allah.
The Bedouin Arabs said that they were believers, Allah said they had only submitted, as faith did not enter their hearts. Believers are those who had believed in Allah and His Prophet and did not have any doubt but strive with their possessions and lives for the cause of Allah. Allah knows what is in people’s hearts, they need not tell Allah about their faith.
People were showing their conversion to Islam as a favor to the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.). On the contrary, Allah had conferred a favor on the Muslims by guiding them towards Islam.

Source: Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an

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