Tuesday, October 9, 2018


The Commander of the Faithful, Lion of Allah, Nafse Rasool, Conqueror of the Fort of Khyber, Champion of the poor, the Unique Provider of Justice, the spouse of the Chief of the Women of the World and the Lady of Paradise, father of the Chiefs of the Youth in Paradise, Imam Ali (a.s.) is the Unique Creation of Allah, born in the House of Allah (Ka’ba) and martyred in the Mosque of Kufa (Iraq). He is the manifestation of miraculous and Unique qualities!

It is narrated in authentic books of traditions that the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) said, “Looking at the face of (Imam) Ali (a.s.) is Ibadah. Speaking/listening about (Imam) Ali is Ibadah. Keeping the love of (Imam) Ali (a.s.) in your heart is Ibadah.” It is narrated by Hazrat A’isha that once the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) was ill and her father caliph Abu Bakr visited him and kept looking at Imam Ali (a.s.). She inquired the reason for constantly looking at the face of Imam Ali (a.s.), he quoted the tradition of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.). For the future generations, the tradition offers the opportunity of speaking or listening about Imam Ali (a.s.) which is Ibadah. During the hostile environment, the tradition encourages Muslims to keep the fire of love for Imam Ali (a.s.) alive in their hearts! (Tibrani, Mustadrak of Hakim, Tareeq Ibn Asakir)
Allah says in Surah al-Dhariyat Ayat 56, “I have created Jinn and human beings only to worship (Ibadah) Me.”
It means by looking at Ali, speaking/listening about Ali and loving Ali at heart, we can identify or comprehend the Creator that when His creation is like this, how unimaginable Allah is.

One of the senior Sunnis traditionist Ibne Aseer stated in his book, al-Nehaya, that the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) did not say that looking at Imam Ali (a.s.) is Ibadah. When (Imam) Ali would come out of his house, people who would look at him would say “La Ilaha Illallah, how Karim is this young man, some one else would say La Ilaha Illallah, how brave this young man is, yet others would say La Ilaha Illallah, how knowledgeable this young man is, yet others would say, La Ilaha Illallah, how generous this young man is.”

Normally, in the Glorious Qur’an, when plural is used, ending in Arabic word “Na” like “Khalaq’na” means “We created”; Allah’s orders are carried out by others on His behalf. Like in Surah al-Tahrim Ayat 12, “The story of Mariyam, daughter of Imran, who protected her privacy and into whose womb We breathed Our spirit.” The Archangel Jibreel came to Lady Mariyam as stated in Surah Mariyam Ayah 17 to 19, “We sent Our Spirit to her, who stood before her in the shape of a well-informed human being. Mariyam said, “Would that the Beneficent would protect me from you. Leave me alone if you are a God-fearing person. He said, I am the Messenger of your Lord. I have come to give you a purified son.”

When Allah wants to show His Power, He uses singular verb as in Surah Sa’d Ayah 72, “When I give it (Adam) proper shape and blow My spirit (Nafaqtu Min Ruhi) into it, bow down in prostration (in his honor).”

After Prophet Ibrahim broke away the idols, he was to be burned alive in the mammoth fire. While still in the air, Jibreel came to him and asked if he needed any help to which Ibrahim replied he did not need any help from him, but his Creator knows about it and Jibreel went away. Surah al-Anbiya Ayat 69, “We said (Qulna) to the fire, “Be cool and peaceful (with Ibrahim)”. According to the rule, who was the “resource or agent” that performed the work for Allah?

An Egyptian writer Zayn al-Abidin Barzandi and the famous Sunni writer Abdul Haque Muhaddis Dehlavi in his book “Shavahid al-Nubuwwah” had stated, “It is narrated that the reason why the mammoth fire had turned into garden was the fact that the light of Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) and Imam Ali (a.s.) was in his loins”!

               Source: The Glorious Qur’an and Speech of Allama Talib Jauhari

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