Thursday, November 30, 2017


Look is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as, “To direct one’s eyes to see”. Gaze is defined as, “To look steadily; stare”
In one of the traditions of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.), it is mentioned that Allah loves His creations more than 70 times than their mothers. Human beings should remember that all the commandments of Allah (s.w.t.) are for their own benefits.
Allah (s.w.t.) directs the believing men in Surah al-Nur Ayah 30, “(Muhammad), tell the believing men to cast down their eyes and guard their carnal desires; this will make them purer. Allah is certainly aware of what they do.”
Surah al-Gha’fir Ayah 19, “Allah knows the disloyalty of the eyes and what the hearts conceal.”
Surah al-Fussilat Ayahs 19- 20, “There will be the day when the enemies of Allah will be made to surge towards the fire and spurred on until (on the brink of it) their eyes, ears, and skin will testify to their deeds.”
Surah al-Ahza’b Ayah 36, “The believing men and women must not feel free to do something in their affairs other than that which has been decided for them by Allah and His Messenger. One who disobeys Allah and His Messenger is in plain error.”
Surah al-Infitar Ayahs 10-12, “But you should know that there are angelic guards  watching over you and these honorable scribes know whatever you do.”  
The Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) said, “Lower your eyes and you will see wonders.”
The Gateway of Knowledge, the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (a.s.) was asked what could help in lowering one’s gaze, the Imam Ali (a.s.) said, “Submission to the Power of Him Who is aware of your secrets. The eye is the spy of the hearts and the messenger of the intellect.; therefore, lower your gaze from whatever is not appropriate to your faith, from whatever your heart dislikes and from whatever your intellect finds repugnant (offensive).”
Prophet I’sa (a.s.) said to his disciples, “Beware of looking at forbidden things, for that is the seed of desire and leads to deviant behavior.”
Prophet Yahya (a.s.) said, “I would prefer death to a glance which is unnecessary.”
Our five senses not only influence our body, but they influence our souls. That is one of the reasons why Islam directs its followers to eat and drink halal and pure food. Similarly, the unlawful looks will affect our souls!

The Glorious Qur’an
The Lantern of the Path by The Infallible Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a.s.) and Practices: Why do Muslims have a dress code Understanding the month of Glory Lessons in the month of the Ramadan

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