Tuesday, August 15, 2017


The word “Nafs” and its derivatives were used 298 times in the Glorious Qur’an. Similarly, the word “Rooh” and its derivatives were used 57 times in the Glorious Qur’an.
Marxism has defined man as an animal and the life is limited to the satisfaction of the body only and there is no life after death! Unfortunately, half of humans believes in the Marxism.
In one of the philosophical outlooks of Islam, man is composed of three parts; the Physique, the Nafs and the Rooh.
The Physique or body which is dealt with in physiology and biology. Islam agrees with its approach.
The Nafs which is the man’s personality which encompass desires, sentiments, wishes, tendencies, and genetic characteristics. Nafs differ from person to person. The Rooh transform and evolves in the direction the Nafs acts day and night. On the Day of Judgment, the Nafs will be questioned. Surah Al-Imran Ayah 185 says, “Kullu Nafsin Za’eqatul Maut”, which means, “Every soul is destined to experience the agony of death.”
The Rooh is described in Surah Al-Isra’ Ayah 85, “They ask you about Spirit (Rooh). Say, ‘The Spirit comes by the command of my Lord. You have been given very little knowledge.” The Spirit is clean and innocent and it cannot err. Rooh has always appeared in the Glorious Qur’an as a singular. What distinguishes one man from another is Nafs. To improve the Nafs, it is essential to analyze and examine the Nafs. There are seven stages of Nafs:
Nafse Ammarah (Commanding Soul). It commands man to sin. It is lower than animals. Surah Al-Yousuf Ayah 53, “all human souls are susceptible to evil except for those to whom my Lord has granted mercy.” The Gateway of Knowledge, the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (a.s.) said, “The Nafs is like a wild horse and you are riding upon him, if you move your attention for one second, he will throw you off.”
Nafse Lawwamah is the stage where if it commits a sin, its conscience criticizes the person and makes him sorry for the act. Most of the men in the world are at this stage. The Creator swears by the “Nafse Lawwamah” in Surah Al-Qiyamah Ayah 2, “and by the self-accusing soul”
Nafse Aqilah is the stage at which man thinks and reflects before any action and avoids extreme sentiments of desires.
Nafse Malhamah is the stage at which the person receives inspiration (Elham) from Allah (s.w.t.) by the development of virtuous and devotion to the Creator. Revelation or “Wahy” is the communication from Allah (s.w.t.).
Nafse Mutmainnah (Satisfied Soul) is the stage of certainty. It is the goal of life. It is the total contentment with Allah (s.w.t.). The man does not commit any sin knowingly and takes pleasure in performing virtuous deeds. Surah Al-Fajr Ayahs 27 to 30 refers, “O Serene Soul, return to your Lord well pleased with Him and He will be pleased with you. Enter among My servants into My Paradise.”
Nafse Raziyah is the state at which Nafs is satisfied with its own position.
Nafse Marziyah is the last stage at which the Nafs is a lover of the Divine. The Nafs is satisfied with itself and the Lord is also satisfied with it.
From Nafse Ammarah to Nafse Marziyyah is a long journey which needs discipline. The Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (a.s.) said, “Surely, Allah has characterized angels by intellect without sexual desires and anger, and animals with anger and desire without reason. He exalted man by bestowing him with all these qualities. Accordingly, if man’s reason dominates his desires and ferocity, he rises to the station above that of the angels, because this station is attained by man despite the existence of hurdles.”

Sources: The Glorious Qur’an. Islamicoccasions.com, al-islam.org, WIKIPEDIA

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