Sunday, May 28, 2017


Although, the “Asma-ul-Husna” are normally mentioned as 99 but the number is about 1,000 in Dua Jaushan Kabeer. Any way, if His Names are recited with deep sincerity and conviction, it may cure our ailments and diseases apart from accepting our supplication for our general welfare and security and safety. Qaza and Qadr plays a vital role in the concept of acceptance of our supplication and Du’a’. In accordance with the teachings the Pure Progeny (a.s.) of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.), we should make every possible effort which is humanly possible and then pray to Al-Mighty Allah (s.w.t.) to take care of our problems.
Appended below are some of the Names of Allah (s.w.t.) which are common to many people’s needs:
ASHSHAFI: To cure any sickness or disease, recite 391 times this Name. To keep away any sickness recite a great deal.
ASSALAAMU: To cure sickness, recite 131 times this Name of Allah.
ALAWWALU: Recite this Name to bring to a successful completion of any job. If recited regularly, people who come into daily contact, act with kindness and extend co-operation.
ALAZEEMU: Regular recitation heals and cures diseases and develops a forceful personality.
ALHAFEEZU: To cure sickness, recite 40 times daily for 26 days.
ALHAYYU: One who recites it will have a long life.
ALJAAMIU: To recover misplaced or missing thing, recite 114 times. If recited regularly, worries and hardship goes away
ALKAAFIU: If recited 111 times daily, Allah bestows so many bounties that the reciter never feels necessity to ask anyone
ALMAJEEDU: Recite a great deal to have a long life and dismiss sorrows and hardships.
ALMUHEETU: If recited regularly, Allah protects the reciter, increases his wisdom.
ALMUQEETU: Recite great deal for enough sustenance.
ALNOORU: If recited regularly, it enlightens the heart and mind, gives knowledge of laws of creation.
ALQADEEMU: To have a long life, recite great deal regularly.
ALQAYYOOMU: To have a sound sleep, recite it before going to sleep.
ARRABBU: If recited great deal regularly, Allah will protect your children and receive unending bounties.
ARRAHMAANU: The defect of forgetfulness is removed if this Name is recited after every obligatory prayer.
ARRASHEEDU: If recited regularly one will be on right path. All legitimate desires are fulfilled recite 514 times after Isha.
ARRAZZAQU: If recited 11 times after every obligatory prayer, the reciter will always have enough sustenance. If recited great deal, Allah will provide more means of sustenance.
ARRAQEEBU: Recite 312 times to have peace of mind, to manage job carefully, and to recover any lost item.
ASSAMADU: If recited 134 times daily, the reciter will be free of support from anyone. Recite 8 times for stomach-ache.
ASHSHAHEEDU: Recite 319 times to make a disobedient child obedient. Recite 319 times on water and let a sick person drink it to cure him.
ATTAWWABU: Allah accepts the reciter’s repentance. Recite 13 times for safety from cruelty.
ALWADOODU: Recite 20 times on food before it is served to the relatives, friends and associates, it will remove distrust and create an atmosphere of co-operation and understanding.
ALWAKEELU:  It is all-purpose Du’a’. After every obligatory prayer recite “Ya Allahu Al Wakeelu” 66 times.
ALWAARITHU: To have your children’s long life and seek permanent protection, recite regularly. To make difficulties easy and keep you on right path, recite 707 times.
YA ZUL JALAALI WAL IKRAAM: Per scholars, it may be the “Ismi Aazam”, the Great Name of Allah. To have a prominent position and eminent status, recite it a great deal regularly.

               Source: Dhikr:,

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