Sunday, July 17, 2016


The contents of Surah al-Shams guides us how to be successful in this life and the Hereafter. Shams is the name of Sun in Arabic language. This is a Makki Surah containing 15 Ayahs. The English translation is as follows:
"By the Sun and its brightness. By the Moon when it follows it (reflects the Sun’s light). By the day when it unfolds its glory. By the night when it enshrouds it. By the heaven and He Who made it. By the earth and He Who spread it. And by the soul and He Who perfected it. Then inspired it to understand what is wrong and (what is) right for it. Indeed he succeeds who purifies it. And indeed he fails who corrupts it. The Thamood (people) rejected (their prophet) through their inordinate wrong doing. When rose up the most reprobate of them. Then the Messenger of Allah (Salih) said to them: “It is a she-camel of Allah and (bar her not from) having her drink.” But they rejected him and hamstrung her, so their Lord crushed them for their sin and leveled them (with the ground). And for Him is no fear of its consequences."
It is the tradition of the Glorious Qur’an that it makes an oath of any subject when lays great importance to that subject. This Surah contains eleven oaths collectively. These oaths relate to the great subjects from the world of creation and Divine Essence. Surah al-Shams restate one of the most important instructive points for the destiny of man’s life.
According to “Majama al-Bayan (volume 10 page 496), the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) said: “He who recites Surah Shams is like he who has given charity (in the way of Allah) to all things that the sun and the moon shine upon.”
This great excellence belongs to the one who keeps the sublime content of this Surah alive in his spirit and remembers that the purification of his soul is his constant duty.
The sun plays a most important role in man’s life and that of other creatures. It is not only a source of heat and energy but also wind, plants, rains, oil, coal etc. If this mammoth illuminating creature of Allah ceases one day, darkness and death would dominate the globe. As for the oath of “moon”, it is reported that it refers to the time of full moon when it appears on the eastern horizon nearly at the time of sun-set. The next oath of “the day” also refers to the great celestial phenomena which is extremely effective in man’s life. The next oath of “the night” is equally important for the mankind to take rest away from the solar heat. The oath about “heaven and He Who made it” refers to the creation of the glorious heaven with its beautiful heavenly bodies and their wonderful regularities, is one of the manifestations of Allah’s Might and Wisdom, which none else, besides Him, could ever produce. Next is the”earth and He Who spread it” refers to the cradle of life for man with all its wonders; mountains, seas, forests etc. is a collection of Divine Signs and more importantly the Creator Who spread it out. Lastly, the oath of “soul and He Who perfected it” refers to the man (soul and body), the essence of creation on earth and heavens and the Creator Who perfected it.
After man was created by Allah, He taught the man how to distinguish between right and wrong. This is the most precious gift Allah granted exclusively to man. Man should learn that his success, prosperity, salvation and position, where he can be in a rank higher than the angels depends on himself, on keeping his soul pure as Allah has made it, and his failure, his decline ; to the lowest degree even lower than the beasts by choosing evil!
Success and salvation depends upon preserving the soul in its original purity against it polluted by carnal desires, by submitting it to the Will and Pleasure of Allah.
In conclusion, it may be said that Allah wants to tell the man that everything, either material or spiritual, was made ready for him to enable him to reach salvation. On the one hand, He made the world illuminated and fruitful with sun shine and moon light for him to live in, and brought the regularity of day and night into existence on the earth to make his life calm and useful.  On the other hand, He created him with a soul gifted with all applicable talents and merits necessary for this aim such as a wakeful conscience and a sense of understanding of piety and impiety for paving the way to felicity. Yet, he does not purify his soul, but follows the intrigues of Shaytan.

Sources: The Glorious Qur’an (English translation) by Ahmed Ali & Ayatollah H. M. M. Pooya Yazdi
The Glorious Qur’an (Urdu translation) by Maulana Sayyid Farman Ali

Enlightening Commentary on Light of Holy Qur’an

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