Friday, April 24, 2015


Imam Ali al-Naqi (a.s.) was our 10th Imam. He was born in Madinah on 5th Rajab in 212 A.H. and was martyred on 3rd Rajab 254 A.H. and was buried in his home in Samarra, Iraq.
Like his forefathers, he was also very kind to the slaves. One day he was going somewhere, he saw that a man was severely beating his slave. The Imam said to him: “O’man, is this weak man your creature? “Not my creature, but my slave.” replied the man. The Imam said: “You have not created him, you have only purchased him for few Dirham and do you have the right to beat him so much?” The man said: “Yes, that is why I am beating him. He is my disobedient slave.” The Imam said: “If according to you, a disobedient slave is eligible for such punishment, for how much punishment a disobedient creature would be eligible? Do you not disobey the commands of Allah? Are you not the same person who lied and became drunk? If Allah punishes you for that disobedience, what would be your condition?”

When Muatawakkil, the Abbasside caliph had made Imam’s life difficult, the Imam used to go without food but he never complained to any one about it. One day, he managed to get some food after being hungry for two mealtimes. He was about to commence eating when a guest arrived. He placed his food before the guest in a cheerful manner and did not at all let him realize that he already missed two meals. When the person finished eating, he gave the Imam some Khums money. The Imam spent it on poor and destitute and slept hungry.
One of the learned companions of the Imam was Musa bin Abdullah an-Naqa’i. Once he went to the Imam and requested for a composite Dua’a which he could recite whenever he visits for Ziarat of any Imams of the Infallible Imams of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). The Imam (a.s.) dictated to him a Ziarat which became famous as “Ziarat-e-Jaamia”
Intellectual qualities:
Like other Imams of AhlulBayt (a.s.), Imam Ali al-Naqi was also divinely gifted. When Mutawakkil was poisoned by his opponents, he vowed that if he survived he would give “a lot of money” in charity. When he recovered from the poison, there was a difference of opinion among scholars regarding what constituted “lot of money?” At last, the Mutawakkil invited Imam Ali al-Naqi (a.s.) and requested for his opinion about it. He said: “Eighty Dirham be given in charity” When Mutawakkil requested for an explanation, the Imam (a.s.) said: “The Almighty Allah said: “Allah certainly helped on a lot of occasions” Since the military expeditions of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) were eighty in number, it may be concluded that “a lot” denotes eighty.” The reply of the Imam pleased Mutawakkil.

A Polytheist committed fornication with a Muslim woman. He was brought to Mutawakkil. When Mutawakkil wanted to sentence him, he became a Muslim. Qazi Yahya said that he cannot be sentenced then because he was converted and all his past sins were remitted. Someone suggested that the opinion of the Infallible Imam Ali al-Naqi be sought. The Imam said: “He should be beaten till he dies” The court scholars refused to accept this verdict and requested an explanation. The Imam said: “A clear verdict is given in Surah al-Momin Ayah 84 “But when they saw our punishment, they said: We believe in Allah alone and we deny what we used to associate with Him.”

Piety of the Imam:
Someone lied to Mutawakkil that Imam Ali al-Naqi was leading a luxurious life, had collected a lot of wealth and weapons in his house, and was secretly raising an army of his supporters. Mutawakill ordered that all the belongings of Imam’s house may be collected. When the soldiers entered the Imam’s house, they found only a sack, a coarse shirt of wool and some clay utensils. When this was reported to Mutawakill, he punished the man who had given false report.

Worship of Imam Ali al-Naqi:
Mutawakkil brought the Imam from Madinah and imprisoned him without any reason and put a harsh man in-charge of the prison. But the man became a devotee of the Imam. When Mutawakill came to know of the situation, he called the jailer and inquired about the truth. The jailer said: “O Chief! This person seems to be higher than angels in spiritual accomplishments. I have never seen him eat or drink during the day nor sleep at night. His favorite activity is the prayer and remembrance of Allah. He laments so intensely that his beard is wet with his tears. He recites the Glorious Qur’an in such a melodious voice that even if one who hears it and has a heart of stone, it would melt like wax.”

Affection of Imam Ali al-Naqi
In spite of leading an impoverished life in Samarra, he was not neglectful of the poor creatures of Allah. He himself visited the widows and orphans and carried food on his back for them while he himself remained hungry. If an orphan came in his presence, he would caress his head affectionately and if he desired something the Imam would provide to him.

Sayings of Imam Ali al-Naqi:
Others will fear him who fears Allah. He who obeys Allah will be obeyed. He, who obeys Allah, will not care for the dissatisfaction of His creatures. He, who enrages the Creator, should be sure of encountering the dissatisfaction of the creatures.
Do not expect honesty and purity of intentions from someone who has suffered from your malice; do not expect loyalty from one to whom you have been disloyal; do not expect goodwill from someone whom you regard with ill-will; his heart towards you is the same as your heart towards him.
There are certain places in which Allah wants His servants to supplicate to Him. One of these places is the tomb of Imam Husayn (a.s.), the King of the Martyrs (a.s.).
No one can describe Allah with attributes other than those which He describes Himself. How can any one describe Him when senses are too short to perceive Him, illusions are too short to comprehend Him, ideas are too short to mark Him, and sights are too short to appreciate Him? He is remote in His nearness and near in His remoteness. He created the “how” without being asked “how” and founded the “where” without being asked “where?”
He is beyond how and where. He is the One and the Only. Exalted be His Majesty and Sacred being His names.
The neglecter of “Bismillah” is the same as the neglecter of (the obligatory) prayers.

Akhlaq-e-A’imma, Morals and Manners of the Holy Imams               by Maulana Zafar Hasan Amrohvi
Fourteen Masoomeen                                                                        by Peer Muhammad Trust, London
Imam Reza Network
Lantern of the Path 

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