Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Jundab bin Junadah, when converted to Islam, the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) named him Abdullah. He had a son by the name “Dharr”; hence he is called Abu Dharr. He belonged to the tribe of “Ghifar”; hence he is called Ghifari. He was one of those companions who were pious, freedom-loving and lofty character, and according to the remark of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.), ardently desired by Heaven and the residents of Heaven. He was the embodiment of the qualities of a great man. He had a rare distinction of being endowed with intelligence, understanding, sagacity, and wit. In the words of the Infallible Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.): “He was always immersed in thought and his prayers were based on his reflections about Allah”
On hearing that a person had announced that he was a Prophet of Allah, Abu Dharr decided to meet him and he came to Makkah. He met Imam Ali (a.s.) and he took Abu Dharr to the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) and Abu Dharr accepted Islam. He is said to be the fourth person to be converted to Islam. Right after conversion, he straight away went to the Ka’aba and announced the “Shahadatain” in front of infidels who beat-him up. He became unconscious and was brought to the presence of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.), who comforted him but he again went to Ka’aba and repeated the “Shahadatain” and was again beaten up. When brought in the presence, the Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) advised him to return to his tribe Bani Ghifar and preach Islam there.
When the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) was heading toward Tabuk, Abu Dharr followed him on a weak camel, after some time, the camel became disabled and Abu Dharr followed the Muslim army on foot. The distance between Abu Dharr and the army became more and more. His provisions and water was finished and he could barely walk, when he saw water in a pit in rock, he wanted to drink it but out of love for the Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) he did not drink  but filled his leather skin and continued on the footsteps of the Muslim army. When he managed to reach the Muslim army and was in the presence of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) who asked him: “Abu Dharr! Why you are thirsty when you have water?” Abu Dharr replied: “I did not want to drink till Allah’s Apostle drank.” The Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) said: “May Allah have mercy upon you! You will live alone, die alone and enter Paradise alone. Some Iraqis will be happy on account of you- they will wash your body, shroud it, pray on it and bury it.”
Communications with the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.):
Abu Dharr: Which act is the best?
The Prophet: To believe in Allah, the Almighty and to strive in His way.
Abu Dharr: Which believer is the most perfect?
The Prophet: The most polite one.
Abu Dharr: Which believer is the safest?
The Prophet: He, from whose tongue and hand, Muslims are safe?
Abu Dharr: Which immigration is the best?
The Prophet: To immigrate from sins.
Abu Dharr: Which alms is the best?
The Prophet: The alms of the poor.
Abu Dharr: Which Ayah is the best?
The Prophet: The Ayah of “al-Kursi”
Abu Dharr: How many are the Prophets?
The Prophet: One hundred and twenty four thousand Prophets, four Prophets are Assyrians. They are: Adam Sheth, Idrees, the first to write with pen, and Noah. And four Prophets are Arab. They are Hud, Saleh, Shuaib and your Prophet.

The Prophet’s forecast came true: Abu Dharr believed in the caliphate as a Divine right as Allah chose the most worthy ones from His righteous slaves. He remembered all the Traditions about Imam Ali (a.s.).  The young plant of Islam which he protected and nourished by his blood throughout his life was in danger of extinction. He was already appointed by the Divine Directions by the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.); commencing from “Dawat-e-Zulasheerah” at the age of about 11 years, during practically all the wars with the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s), was declared “Nafs-e-Rasool” in Mubahelah, was among the Panjetan in the “Ayah of Purity”, after Allah had purchased his soul on the eve of Migration to Madinah when he slept on the Prophet’s bed under the surveillance of 40 swords of hostile Quraysh, and hundreds of Traditions of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) in praise of his cousin, Imam Ali (a.s.).
During the time of third caliph, when he started plundering Muslim wealth by giving 500,000 dirham to Marwan, 300,000 dirham to Harris bin Hakam, and 100,000 dirham to Zaid bin Thabit. As per Tirmizi, there was a Tradition wherein the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s) said: “Neither has the sky shaded one more truthful and honest than Abu Dharr nor the earth had any one walk over it like him.” The third caliph appointed governors and other officials from his Umayyad creed; they were very oppressive with the Muslims. When Abu Dharr objected to these wrong doings, the third caliph first sent him to Muawiya in Shaam (Syria); and when he continued to criticize the wrong doings and openly praised Imam Ali (a.s.), he was sent back to Madinah with a harsh guide and the old companion of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) arrived in a very bad shape.  Soon the caliph ordered him to be sent to Rabzah, a far eastern place. Thus the Prophet’s forecast came true. Abu Dharr, his wife and a daughter went alone to Rabzah. Soon Abu Dharr died and his daughter stood on the road requesting the strangers to perform the last rituals of the Prophet’s companion!
                Sources used:
                Abu Dharr al-Islam.org                                                                            Kamal al-Sayyid

                WIKIPEDIA, Islamic Encyclopedia

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