Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Mr. L.K.Bhatnagar writes in his book “Bodhiya Chamatkar” published by Adankar Pustakalia, Cawnpur, India in the year 1927:
“One day, Mahtama Buddha woke up with a scream and his companion also was awaken by his scream. He inquired if Buddha had a bad dream. Buddha replied that he was informed by a super spirit who said: “Your struggle and prayer have been accepted, recite my name and your wishes will be granted. My name is Aaliya, if you want to meet me my house is the Sacred Temple with broken wall and you will see me as a boy but that time is too far.” After this, he drew a sword and said in a thunderous voice: “Look! I am a lion, God has made me a lion. Go and cleanse the world from sins and crimes, clean the hearts of the people. My Prophet will be coming soon, obey his orders. I am sending you as my slave and follower, go and serve the people, do not be deceived, recite my name and call me if in distress.”
The word “Aaliya” is the same as “Aeliya”. Sacred Temple with broken wall is the Khana-e-Kabah and its wall was broken to let in Bibi Fatima binte Assad for the birth of The Commander of the Faithful. The sword stated is the “Zulfiqar” of the Victor of the Khyber. In a way, Imam Ali (a.s.) was sending the Saint Buddha to India and other Eastern countries for the salvation and cleansing the hearts of the people from sins and crimes. And repeated to call him if in distress as he is the “MushkilKusha”
Subsequently, as it had been the fact that there always is conflict between Righteousness and Evil, similarly forces who were against the Saint Buddha also vehemently opposed him. Hence, He called Imam Ali in the following words:
            “O’ The Beloved of the Lovers, O Aeliya, O Dominant one (Ghalib), please come
            for my help, O Lion of the Lord, foxes want to overpower me. For His sake
            whose “Hand” you are (Yadullah). For His sake whose (Divine) power is in
            you. As you promised, this is the time for help. Come as soon as possible,
            otherwise I would be ruined. Your name is the name of God. Come as looking at
            you are prayer. You are the face of God. (Wajhullah). My beloved, I am nothing
            compared to you. You are seeing everything. You are aware of my miseries.
            Only you can remove my miseries. Om Aaliya, Om Aaliya, Om Aaliya”

Reference: “Aeliya” by Hakeem Syed Mahmood Gilani – in Urdu (online)

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