Sunday, September 22, 2024



Short sayings of Imam Ali (a.s.) as stated below are of immense value in our daily life. He who adopts as himself a habit, devalues himself; he who discloses his hardship agrees to humiliation and he who allows his tongue to overpower his soul, debases the soul. Miserliness is shame, cowardice is a defect, poverty disables an intelligent man from arguing his case, a destitute is a stranger in hid hometown; incapability is a catastrophe, endurance is bravery, abstinence is riches, and self-restraint is a shield against sins. The best companion is submission to Allah’s will, knowledge is a venerable estate, good manners are new dresses and thinking is clear mirror. The bosom of the wise is the safe of his secrets, cheerfulness is his bond of affection forbearance is the grave of shortcomings and mutual reconciliation is covering for shortcomings. He who admires himself attracts many opponents against him, charity is an effective cure and the actions of the people in this life would be in front of their eyes in the next life. How wonderful is man that he speaks with fat, talks with the piece of flesh, hears with bone breaths through a hole. When this world advances towards anyone with its favors, it attributes to him other’s good; and when it turns away from him it deprives him of his own good. Meet people in such a manner that if you die, they should weep for you and if you live, they should long for you. When you gain power over your adversary, pardon him by way of thanks for being able to over-power him. The most helpless during his age of all men is he who cannot find a few brothers, and still more helpless is he who finds such a brother but loses him. When you get only a small favor, do not push them away through lack of gratefulness. He who is abandoned by the near ones is endorsed by the remote ones. Every mischief monger cannot be censured. All matters are subject to destiny, so much so that sometimes death results from efforts. He who gallops with loose rein stumbles with death. Forgive the shortcomings of considerate people because when they fall into error Allah raises them up. The consequences of fear are disappointment and shyness is frustration. Opportunity passes like a cloud. Thefore make use of good opportunities. He whom his deeds accord back position, cannot be given front position by: The richest his lineage. To give relief to the grief stricken and to provide comfort in hardship means atonement for big sins. O’ son of Adam! When you see that Allah is bestowing His favors on you while you are disobeying Him, you should fear Him. Whenever a person conceals a thing in his heart it manifests itself through unintentional words of his tongue and the expressions of his face. Keep walking in your sickness as long as you can. To protect your secrets is to conceal them. When you are running away from death and world, there is no question of delay in encounter. Fear! Fear! By Allah, He has hidden your sins so much so as if He has forgiven. The doer of good is better than the good and the doer of evil is worse than the evil itself. Be generous but not extravagant; be spendthrift but not miserly. The best riches are abandonment of desires. Whoever prolongs his desire ruins his actions?

Addressing his son Imam Hasan (a.s.) The richest riches are intelligence; the biggest destitution is foolishness; the wildest wildness is vanity, and the best achievement is courtesy. O’my son you should avoid making friends with a fool because he may intend to benefit you but may harm you; you should avoid making friends with a miser because he would run away from you when you would need him most; you should avoid making friends with a sinful person because he would sell you for nought and you should avoid making friends with a liar because he is like a mirage, making you feel remote things near and near things remote. Sunnati prayers cannot bring about nearness to Allah if they hamper obligatory prayers. The tongue of the wise man is behind his heart and the heart of fool is behind his tongue.

Thursday, July 11, 2024


The book “Superman of Islam” published by the Research Centre at Strasburg, Germany. This was the result of research work performed by twenty-five scholars from Europe, United States of America except 2 Muslim scholars from the Middle East It has fifty-five chapters covering various scientific, astronomical, religious, and social aspects. The book is written with a pure scientific background regardless of any religious affiliations. Topics of general interest are as follows:

Eating & Diseases: To   protect life, avoid excesses in eating and drinking. Excess in eating may cause premature death. Imam Ali (a.s.) said,” Do not make your stomachs the graveyard of animals.” Imam Ali (a.s.) advised people not to eat excessive meat as this may lead to premature death. A person looks healthy, but he is sick inside and he may become unconscious and die. People who eat meat and other heavy foods in excess, may still feel hungry and without feeling pain may develop sleeplessness. Accidental death is of three types: Diseases of brain, heart, and blood. In the end, accidental diseases are caused by sickness of blood which attacks heart and brain. The sickness of the blood is caused by eating too much meat or other saturated fat foods. Modern science also confirms death by heart disease, stroke affecting brain and blood cancer. People who eat food in moderation may live longer. A man who leads normal life avoiding excesses eating and drinking dies of natural death. On the other hand, a man by his own folly resorts to excesses in life brings his own premature death. Death is the stoppage of heart and breathing. Death is the transformation from one condition to other. Nothing remains in one condition.

Human Body: All materials found in the soil are also found in the human body in varied quantities. There are four items found in large quantity and then there are eight items that are comparatively in lesser quantity and lastly there are eight items found in very small quantity. Modern Biology states that there are four elements found in large quantities which are Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. Elements found in comparatively smaller quantities are Magnesian, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Sulphur, and Iron. The trace elements are Molybdenum, Selenium, Fluorine, Cobalt, Manganese, Iodine, Zinc and Aluminum. One day, a man named Abu Shakir asked the Imam (a.s.) about the existence of Allah. He said that he did not believe in anything not comprehended by the five senses. The Imam asked him if could see inside his body to which he replied in negative. The Imam said that there was blood circulating in the body which completes one circle in a few minutes. If the circulation stops, death will occur. The Imam told him that there were creatures in the body in millions which you cannot comprehend by five senses, but Allah had created them for human safety. Imam Ali (a.s.) had said,” Whoever knows himself, shall know his Creator.” Imam Jaffar Sadiq (a.s.) that there was movement in the stones which was beyond five senses comprehension. U.S. magazine “The Knowledge” in its issue of June 1973 stated the same thing as mentioned by the Imam (a.s.). In response to Abu Shakir’s assertion that everything in the world was created automatically, The Imam told him grass did not grow by itself. Grass grows by the seeds fallen in the soil, rainwater soaks it, the solar energy and air was essential for its growth. The air was necessary for human and plant life but not comprehended by five senses.

The Imam said that a Creator is essential for everything for everything whether humans, plants, animals, or rocks. Even atheists believe that there must be some Super which initiated the creation of this universe. Even an intelligent person ponders about his own body and its disciplined systems will realize about the Creator of his body and the world. The Imam further said that everything in this world is moving. There is movement inside our bodies and the earth is also moving. The Imam said that the stones were in a liquid form but slowly heat was lost it became solid. Replying to a question about Allah’s existence everywhere, the Imam said that air was everywhere, but we cannot see it. Not only human beings pray to Allah, but the animals and birds also pray but we do not understand their language.




In Springtime, the birds migrate at the same time every year and make their nests at the same place year after year. This discipline shows their faith in the Creator. Plants also have faith and pray in their own way. The Imam said there were 150 types of plants which have further subbranches. Incidentally, modern Botany also divides plants into 150 types. Plants follow the Creator’s rules and regulation faithfully and punctually. Even the stones pray in their way and if it did not, it will explode. The sun’s light is also worshipping Allah. As it strictly follows the Divine commandments and hence the two opposite components which do not produce light by themselves are able to produce light when they meet Allah’s directions.

Theory of Rotation around the sun: Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq was eleven years old and was a student in his father’s school in Masjid Nabavi in Medina when he challenged the then prevalent theory of Ptolemy about the heavenly bodies that sun and the stars were revolving around the earth. Copernicus, a Polish scientist (1473-1543) said the same thing which the Imam said about 1,000 years earlier.,

System of Medicine of Imam Jaffar al-Saidq: His research and theories had great impact on the science of medicine. During the 2nd and 3rd centuries of Hijra, most of the physicians in the East followed the methods of diagnosis and treatment prescribed by him. In cases where the condition of the patient was such that a physians could not know whether he was dead or alive, Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq had suggested that a small incision should be made in his body, especially between his two fingers. If blood came out, it was a sign that he was alive. His theory was practically demonstrated during the 2nd Hijra when the cousin of Abbasi caliph, Haroon Rashid was very sick when the royal physician told the caliph that his cousin would die before dawn. Another physician, Ibne Behla assured the caliph of his sound health. Next morning, the cousin died, and his body was washed and shrouded. The caliph summoned Ibne Behla. Ibne Behla requested that his body be placed in normal clothing because when he was revived, he may die after seeing himself in traditional shroud. Ibne Behla then made an incision between his left two fingers. Blood started to flow; the patient opened his eyes.

The Theory of Four Elements: At the age of twelve, the Imam rejected Aristotle’s theory of four elements; earth, water, fire, and air. He said that earth was not an element but there were many elements in it. When the Imam grew up, they could see years before the European scientist discovered that air was not an element. The Imam said that air was a mixture of elements. Now we know that there is Oxygen and Ozone in the air which helps in breathing. He said that Oxygen is strong and active and if separated in pure form it would burn iron. His father, Imam Baqir said that by using scientific methods, we can produce fire from water! In the 18th century this was proved by burning Hydrogen with Oxygen, a flame of fire in the range of 667 degrees was produced. He said oxygen was behavior. After about 1,000 years, Lavoisier proved that in 9 kg of water, the on ire are 8kg of Oxygen.

The Theory of Earth’s Rotation on its Axis: The Imam had suggested that earth was revolving on its axis. When astronauts landed on moon and turned their telescopes to the earth, they could see that earth was moving slowly. There are no stars in the galaxy which does not rotate on its axis. Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq must  which have known the Laws of Mechanics which postulates that when two forces work on an object in such a one force pushes it away from the center and the other force pulls it towards the center, then it starts to spin. This is called Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024



The fundamental objective of modern management is increased profitability by increasing productivity and the best combination of men, material, and knowhow.

Islamic management concentrates on Divine ownership of our lives. Imam Ali (a.s.) when given chance to rule the Ummah had shown the glimpses of Islamic management. When he appointed Malik al-Ashtar governor of Egypt, he compiled a directive to him. Surprisingly, the Secretary General of United Nation, Koofi Annan referred to this directive encouraging the Muslim members to review Imam Ali’s directive to Malik al-Ashtar.

The sermon of Imam Ali may be seen in sermon # 53 of Nahjul Balagha.

The Sermon starts with the phrase, “This letter is from Ali, the servant of Allah, the Commander of the Faithful.” He specified servant first and commander later. This reflects the chain of   command; the governor is accountable to the Imam and the Imam is accountable to Allah. This eliminates the thoughts of autocracy or complete independence from any controlling power. It exhorts anyone towards spiritual impurity and forces one to remember that he is a servant of Allah and act accordingly. He further stresses Malik to fear Allah. Help Allah from your heart, hands, and tongue. Because Allah had promised to assist those who serve Him. Control your emotions. Avoid those activities which are prohibited. Cultivate love and kindness towards the people. Never behave with people like furious animals. Never make decisions when you are angry. Never show superiority complex saying that you are the boss. Never think of confronting Allah exaggerating your power because Allah lowers the Proud ones. Be careful with your behavior specially relating to your relatives. Be watchful of the rights of the people. Do not have a miser as your advisor who is miser or a coward. All such qualities point towards ignorance. Have truthful people around you. Train them not to falsely praise your deeds. Never treat righteous and bad character people at par as this will discourage the righteous ones. Do not discontinue the proper customs and traditions. Always consult the wise in the affairs of the state. Recognize a good work done by your people. Suitably compensate the judges so they can perform well without any influence from outside. Appoint after carefully testing and examining them impartially. Be fearful of Allah over the affairs of the poor, handicapped and those who deserve help but do not openly ask for it. Keep an eye over the affairs of the orphans and widows.

Do not set aside for yourself any facility which is meant for commoners. Control your tongue, and your power in deciding any matter in haste. Always keep your promise and never remind people about your favors. Do not have people around you who are inquisitive about other people and try to find faults with them. Such people may interfere with your decisions about other people in your administration. Do not have a person who was with the previous administration and assisted in oppression of innocent people. Leaders depend on advisors and may make or break an administration.

Spare time for praying in seclusion for Allah.

In the modern world every city or town is populated by people of different faiths; whether Muslim or non-Muslim, a ruler should be impartial. This exhibits his humanity in dealing with people. The wording he used emphasize his judicial independence; “People are of two types either they are of the same faith as you or they are an equal in humanity!” “People make mistakes. Hence forgive them as you want Allah to forgive you.


Sunday, March 17, 2024



When the Christians from Najran visited Madina and argued about Prophet Eisa as to who was his father, the Qur’an says in Surah Ali Imran Ayah 59, “Indeed the case of Jesus (prophet Eisa) with Allah is like the case of Adam: He created from dust, then said to him, ‘Be’ and he was.

When the Christians of Najran kept on arguing, then Allah revealed Ayah 61 Surah Ali Imran. “Should anyone argue with you concerning him, after the knowledge that has come to you say ‘Come! Let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our souls, and your souls, then let us pray earnestly and call down Allah’s curse upon the liars.” In those days Allah’s wrath used to fall on the liars.

Next day the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) emerged having Imam Husseyn in his lap, holding Imam Hasan’s fingers, Sayyida Fatima Zahra (s.a.) behind him and the Lion of Allah, Imam Ali (a.s.) was behind Sayyida Fatima Zahra (s.a.) erasing her footprints!

The Chief of the Christians inquired about the identities.

 said, “If Muhammad has brought his entire family, then he must be convinced about their truthfulness. I am seeing such faces that if they pray Allah will move the mountains from their place. Hence, you. people do not enter the Mubahelah with them.”

Hence, their truthfulness was certified by Allah!

After the sad demise of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.), the khilafat forcibly expelled the guards stationed by Sayyida Fatima Zahra (s.a.) although the “Fadak” was gifted by the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) to his daughter Sayyida Fatima Zahra (s.a.). In law, possession is the proof of ownership.

Abubaker asked for the witness of this gift. Imam Ali (a.s.) and Umme Aiman were the witnesses. He rejected Imam Ali (a.s.) for being the husband. Umme Aiman was considered as half witness. Imam Hasan and Imam Husseyn were considered children and rejected.

In the Glorious Qur’an, Imam Ali, Sayyida Fatima Zahra, Imam Hasan, and Imam Husseyn were Truthful and Abubaker requires witnesses to prove that Sayyida Fatima Zahra’s claim that Fadak was gifted to her by her father!

Whereupon Sayyida Fatima Zahra claimed her inheritance. Abubaker narrated a tradition purported to be said by the Noble Messenger which no one had heard till then. It was alleged that the prophet said that we prophets do not leave any inheritance. Whatever is left is sadaqa belonging to people. She challenged Abubaker “you will receive your father’s inheritance but not me? Prophet Suleman inherited it from Prophet Daud (27:16). Prophet Zecharia praying for a son who will inherit him. Surah Maryam Ayah 6 saying, “So grant from Yourself an heir who may inherit from me and inherit from the House of Jacob (Yaqoob). She also referred to (8:75), “And those who believed afterwards and migrated, and waged Jihad along with you, they belong to you; but the blood relatives are more entitled to inherit from one another in the Book of Allah.” Also, Surah al-Ahzab Ayah 6 relates to inheritance. 

         English Translation of the Glorious Qur’an by Ali Quli Qara’i

Tuesday, February 27, 2024



Allama Iqbal was known as “Thinker of Pakistan.” He was Sunni Hanafi Muslim. In his book “Ramuz-e—Bekhudi,” had authored an excellent poem about Sayyida Fatima Zahra (s.a.) in Persian. Following is the translation in English:

Mariam is exalted on one count being the mother of Prophet Eisa or Jesus. But Sayyida Fatima Zahra (s.a.) is exalted by three criteria. She is the beloved daughter of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.). He is the leader of all prophets. He brought peace and tranquility on earth through Islam, opened new avenues of Tawheed. Her husband (Imam Ali) was the Crown of Surah Hal Ata (76). His other names are Murtaza, Mushkilkusha, (helped people in distress), Lion of Allah. Kings of the time used to visit his mausoleum like dogs putting chains in their necks! His material assets were only one sword (Zulfiqar) and one shield (which he used to wear at his back) only. Her mother (Khadija) was the pivot of love of Allah and His Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.). Her mother was the richest woman in Arabia which she gave away to her husband for spreading and sustaining Islam. Imam Hasan (a.s.), her eldest son, was one of the “Lights of Panjetan” and the “Protector” of Muslim Ummah and saved the Ummah from the fire of war. He kicked off the crown of khilafat. Her other son Imam Hussein (a.s.) was the leader of the pious ones. He is the source of strength for the freedom fighters of the world. His sacrifice in Karbala brought meaning and purpose to life. Even today truthful freedom lovers draw inspiration from their patience and fortitude. The characters of children reflect their mothers. Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Husein (a.s.) reflected on her upbringing. Their Purity and Truthfulness reflect their mother Sayyida Fatima Zahra (s.a.). She was the most dedicated Muslim titled “Chief of the Women of the world.” She is the perfect role model for Muslim women for all time to come. She gave away food to the needy for three days and kept fasting without eating anything. She sold her chador to help a needy Jew. All the angels and Jinn were her servants. But she was whole-heartedly lost in obedience to her husband Imam Ali (a.s.). She was the symbol of patience and contentment. She would recite the Qur’an while grinding the stone-mill (to make flower). She would shed tears to attain nearness to Allah. Her tears roll into pearls falling on her prayer-mat. Gabriel would carry her tears from the earth and would spread her tears in Heaven which falls on earth later as dew.

I am restrained by the commandments of Islam. I am following the directions of the Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.). Otherwise, I would circumambulate around Fatima Zahra’s grave and would prostrate on the soil of Fatima Zahra’s grave.


Tuesday, February 13, 2024



We all believe in friends and enemies having tangible bodies. Shaitan is our archenemy which has no tangible body that is visible to our eyes. Hence in our daily life, we do not care about Shaitan. When Allah created Adam and ordered all angels to prostrate Adam, everyone complied except Shaitan, who was a jinn but due to his constant prayers, Allah allowed him to be among the angels. He refused to prostrate Adam saying that he was superior to Adam as Adam was created from soil and Shaitan was created from fire. Allah expelled him due to his pride and disobedience. Shaitan sought permission to influence all man kind and was granted.

All the evil deeds man commits are inspired by Shaitan. If we know what deed is prohibited by Allah then we must avoid it. However, there are deeds obligatory or recommended if followed will minimize Satanic influences e.g., Salat or Namaz. Namaz is obligatory on every Muslim boy of 15 years and every Muslim girl of 9 years. Shaitan as our enemy discourages us not to pray namaz but we should remember that we must do this obligatory act which is in our own benefit. It is the remembrance of Allah that cleanses our souls; as we remember that we must pray five times, we keep our body and clothes clean. It is said that “Cleanliness is half of faith.”

Allah has placed in every human being conscience called Nafse Lawwama which reminds everyone of committing sins, it is the Shaitan who encourages us to proceed to sin. The Glorious Qur’an expressly mentions the prohibited deeds. Also, Allah sent prophets and Imams whose main mission was to guide the humans. Furu-e- Deen (Branches of Islam) explains to us what to do and what to abstain from doing. Furu’ Deen are salaat, Fasting in the month of Ramazan, Pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in life time, Charity to help others, Zakat also a tax yearly, struggle with self, do the pious deeds and recommend others also to do it, Abstain from prohibited deeds and recommend others as well, love the Prophet’s Ahle Bayt and abhor their enemies.

As a practical guide, we should minimize exposure to the modern gadgets like television. We are exposed to obscene images which awaken our baser sentiments. This is prohibited in Qur’an; Allah says, “tell men and women to lower their gaze.” (24:30). After seeing it we are mentally disturbed, unable to concentrate on healthy activities. It is purely unproductive. Develop friendship with Allah, share your worries and problems with him. Reciting Namaz is like talking to Allah and reading the Glorious Qur’an is like Allah talking to you. Time is very precious, do not waste it on unproductive activities. Do not pick any book and start reading it. After the Glorious Qur’an, the next book for guidance is Nahual Balanghai, compiled by Ayatullah Sayyid Razi about one thousand years ago. It contains sermons and priceless sayings of Amirul Momineen Imam Ali (a.s). His sayings are like universal truth covering every aspect of life true today as well.

An American author, Michael H. Hart, who authored a book, “The 100 Most Influential Persons in History” in which he named our Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s.) saying he was supremely successful in religious and secular realms. The Noble Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) said, “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its Gate.”